Your Childhood Inventions Brought To Life

If you are the kind of person who reads Hackaday, you probably spent time in school doodling little design day dreams. [Allen Pan] gets it, and he’s taken it upon himself to make some of those daydreams into reality. You can see how it worked out — or didn’t — in the video below.

The video starts out with suction cup boots for walking on the ceiling, a laser sword made with a mirror, a plunger gun, and lawnmower boots. Some of these were more successful than others.

This is an odd video for Hackaday because [Allen] doesn’t really share exact plans for his creations. But after you see them, you could probably duplicate them if you wanted to. You probably also won’t want to. Besides, you’d have to adapt any design he has unless you had the exact same junk lying around that he does. We must admit, though, we enjoyed his enthusiasm, and it made us wonder what your favorite childhood invention was. Tell us in the comments, and we’ll even add ours to the mix.

You can only speculate on what crazy things we would have done as kids with access to 3D printers. As it was, we mostly did deadly things with electricity and rockets, which was bad enough. Laser swords seem to be a popular diversion. If you need your lawn mowed, maybe try a robot instead of boots.

8 thoughts on “Your Childhood Inventions Brought To Life

    1. >>Better than Al Bundy’s Shoe Lights

      Hey! Al Bundy was a visionary who’s was just too far ahead of his time! With modern LEDs and Li-Ion technology the shoe light would no longer be the life-threatening monstrosities that they were… They’d just be pointlessly annoying.

      If they were angled up instead of forward, maybe you could have your own really creepy lighting effect?

      1. To say nothing of his vision of ‘God’s Shoes’ (with toes).
        Now a common thing, but for some strange reason not offered in gold color. Using Al for marketing.

  1. I designed ski jumping ice skates. My drawings had mounts on the skis which clamped onto the ice skate blades simply from the weight of the person. Then when flying off the end of the ramp, the skis would automatically release and drop away, leaving the jumper to land on the skate blades.

    How to avoid breaking legs etc, that was an unsolved issue. The ice landing ramp would have to be at the perfect angle to make it like those rally car jumps where the two ramps are angled and shaped so that when hit at the correct speed it’s just like driving over a hill. No vertical downward slam at all.

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