FLOSS Weekly Episode 808: Curl – Gotta Download ’em All

This week, Jonathan Bennett and Randal Schwartz chat with Daniel Stenberg about curl! How many curl installs are there?! What’s the deal with CVEs? How has curl managed to not break its ABI for 18 years straight? And how did Daniel turn all this into a career instead of just a hobby? Watch to find out!

Did you know you can watch the live recording of the show Right on our YouTube Channel? Have someone you’d like us to interview? Let us know, or contact the guest and have them contact us! Take a look at the schedule here.

Direct Download in DRM-free MP3.

If you’d rather read along, here’s the transcript for this week’s episode.

9 thoughts on “FLOSS Weekly Episode 808: Curl – Gotta Download ’em All

    1. I saw the pinned post. Ironically, his last post to X is just 2 days ago, so looks like he begrudgingly came back to the platform, and never bothered to remove the post.

        1. Just avoid all social media. It is all shit although the curl site itself does a crap job of explaining what it is/does. Just magic beans used by the whole internet for 30 friggin years. I would think someone there could come up with a better intro blurb…

  1. Great episode, guys. The name of the utility tool called “trurl” rang a bell for me and, indeed, was the name of a main character from Stanisław Lem’s wonderful Sci-Fi series The Cyberiad. Surely this was known to Mr. Stenberg?

    1. You’d think so, as anything with Constructors as protagonists would seem to resonate with our crowd… but somehow, Lem’s works just aren’t at all well-known. Which is sad…

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