Home Depot Lamp Gets A Rainbow Upgrade

Home Depot has at times sold a neat spiral lamp that relies on LEDs to supply its soothing white glow. When [Craig Lindley] saw some modified versions on YouTube he decided he had to build one himself. The result is a charming rainbow lamp that really lights up a room (pardon the pun).

[Craig] first set about stripping the lamp of its white LED strips, replacing them with addressable WS2812B LEDs. No more would the lamp just output white light—any color in the RGB gamut was now on the table.

A powerful 10 amp 5 volt power supply was then installed to provide the necessary juice. A Wemos D1 Mini was pressed into service as the controller, which was also hooked up to an HC-SR04 infrared motion sensor. This provided the capacity to trigger the lamp when it detects someone moving nearby.

Alternatively, the lamp was given a time-activated mode as well. Either way, when activated, the lamp displays a range of colorful patterns on its elegant spirals, all with the aid of the popular FastLED library.

The final result is impressive—it looks almost stock, except it’s far more colorful and interesting to look at than the original. It’s also amusingly hard to display in our usual image formats because it’s so tall and narrow. In any case, we’ve seen some great lamp builds before, too. If you’re working on your own charming illuminations, don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

14 thoughts on “Home Depot Lamp Gets A Rainbow Upgrade

    1. You mean the “early” internet scammer behind “Registry Cleaner” and “InternetShield”?
      IMO he doesn’t warrant “a more direct reference” (but that’s just my opinion which in this case is not based on own “research”).

    2. My thought as well… so check out Dave’s channel, I find not everything interesting, but there are many cool videos in there. If you are into old computers, like PDPs et c. he recently restored one.

  1. Ha! I watched the same video and also freaked out about the lamp! Now I know what it is! I didn’t find the name of the lamp on the page but: “Swirl 59 in. Black Modern 1” – cheers

  2. Dangit Hackaday. I blame my ADD, but I am always trying new projects I see on here. I think you can’t be blamed for my newly acquired Pebble though 🤔. With 2 replacement batteries I think it was still under $30. And my favorite feature is it actually works as a watch without any smartphone! Pleasantly surprised.

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