If you’re coming to Hackaday Europe 2025, you’ve got just over a week to get your bags packed and head on out to Berlin. Of course you have tickets already, right? And if you were still on the fence, let us tempt you with our keynote talk and some news about the Friday night meetup, sponsored by Crowd Supply.
But first, the keynote! You might know David Cuartielles as one of the four founders of Arduino. As a telecommunications engineer and doctor in design, he has devoted the last 25 years to experimenting with different educational models centered on the creation of interactive artifacts and platforms.
His talk, “What if the future (of electronics) was compostable?”, asks the question of whether or not we can take our physical projects and make them more ecologically friendly, and looking at Arduino’s approach of bio-degradable electronics and AI-enabled industrial technologies.
Bring a Hack
Come join us for informal Bring-a-Hack drinks starting up at 18:00 Friday night, May 14th, at the Jockel Biergarten, Ratiborstraße 14C. It’s always a great time to hang out a little bit while there are no presentations to feel like you’re missing out on. If you’ve got a project that fits in your backpack, brink it along and show us all. And if you just feel like relaxing over a beverage and some Biergarten fare, that’s great too! We’ll see you there.
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