Brushed Metal Ipod

brush me

my 3g ipod is officially scratched up, ipods are great–but only meant to be viewed behind glass and perhaps with white gloves if you need to touch it. so, i was thinking of painting the whole thing black, bono style, but i think i’ll make it look brushed metaly. here’s a site that shows how.

and just a site update, we now have categories–so, for example, you can go to or click and see all our ipod hacks.

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Make An Ipod In To A Pirate Radio Station

ipod fm

i thought it was clever to boost the itrip mini with my lame little hack, and change what’s playing on cars next to me at stop lights, and then this project blows that out of the broadcasting waters. be sure to check with your local laws and all that before broadcasting with this “proof of concept” itrip amp.

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Use The Ipod As A Bootable Drive

ipod boot

i was playing with the new version of mac os x (tiger) but didn’t want to install it to my local hard drive, so i had a pc formatted ipod i was about to zap any way, so i formatted it and installed tiger on the ipod. while it’s not a good idea to use an ipod a mac hard drive, it’s good for testing and emergencies if needed

Read Rss Feeds On Your Ipod

ipod rss

while the ipod isn’t exactly something you want to read pages and pages of information on, there’s lots of times, i call them “hostage times” when you’reĀ  just standing in line or waiting when it would be cool to read some headlines or news on something. since i sync my ipod up a lot, i figured i could use ipodagent to get all my rss feeds over, works pretty good