Hackaday Links

The folks over at Remote-Exploit were recently dropped from Google Adsense and need funding. Why should you be concerned? They’ve recently rolled the excellent Auditor and WHAX live cds into a new distro called Backtrack. Why am I concerned? The were dropped for “Hacking/cracking content”. [thanks Michael Schade]

Luminosity Monstrosity You too can create blindingly bright light fixtures. [henny]

[doctordubb]’s experience building an LCD projector from a slide projector.

Add access LEDs for each of your hard drives. [carpespasm]

Atomic clock wristwatch [h-tech]

[Bucky] built a laptop tray for his PT Cruiser.

Put an icon on your desktop for really quick suspends using [Chris]’s instructions.

[Joe Pestro]’s CSS/Javascript desktop demo

[strider_mt2k] has been having some trouble holding onto his Micro, so he added a safety tether.

Explore Hack-A-Day [via]

The tip form

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Hackaday Links

The comments on PSP downgrading keep growing. If you had trouble before, you might want to check back to see if some light has been shed.

Make a Nano lanyard from a firewire cable. [sentinel]

Restore your Nano’s original shine. [Mrgreen]

[DarkJimmy] made some Hack-A-Day buttons.

Check out [JunkToArt]’s models built from PCMCIA cards and hard drives.

PS2, GameCube, XBox all in one box Looks like two optical drives too many. [via]

Extensive list of wardriving tools [via]

We love your links. We can’t post everything, but feel free to complain if we don’t post your link that goes nowhere, [Andrew] (did you mean the first link you sent in?)

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Hackaday Links

I don’t know what the deal is with my DNS; It really didn’t want me to see [markie]’s hand crank iPod charger. He failed to estimate before hand exactly how much cranking it would take.

The high school “confirm friend” links have started working for me on Facebook. So, you can actually add me now. I think girl count is holding at 6.

I think I first saw this in Sync magazine, but I’m not sure if we ever posted it: Pierced eyeglasses. [steve]

[Simon] made another Nano sleeve using a cleaning cloth.

Circuit-bent Casio SK-1 [jumpstart] did a great job packaging all of this up.

Grab high res album art from iTunes using [Tristan]’s script.

[BigDumbyak]’s Xbox dashboard skin

Cheap polarizing filter… really cheap [corey]

Send us some love.

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How-To Build A Telephone Recording Circuit From An Old Modem


We’ve posted our How-To for the week over at Engadget. Do you have an old modem lying around? Have you been dying to record some of your phone conversations for those podcasts or homebrewed movies or crazy flash animations you make? Wait no longer! Build yourself a little circuit to change the analog phone’s audio to regular line audio to record with your sound card. Remember that it is illegal in many places in the world to record phone conversations without both parties’ consent.

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Hackaday Links

Did you see my links yesterday? I screwed up the timestamp and sent the post back in time. Then my Gentoo install ran out of disk space and decided to eat itself. Here’s what you can delete to make room on your Gentoo install. Now I’m doing a long needed “emerge -vuDN world”. I’ll let you know when that finishes next week.

[bEN Newham] decided our rackmounted stereo was too complex. He made his own version. Yes, that is a jar of pesto being used as a standoff.

We’ve been nominated for a “Best of the Blogs” award. In the niche category “Best Weblog”. You can’t vote yet so who cares?

I really like the dock that [Abe] made for his Nano. It was inspired by [Kevin]’s.

There have been a lot of “crammed a motherboard into an NES” projects, but this one bothered to integrate the original switches and connectors. [jon]

How-to directly download iTunes videos [h-tech]

Add Airport/Bluetooth to your Mac Mini [ian]

The more, the merrier

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Hackaday Links

Team Hack-A-Day is now ranked #620 and climbing. Shouldn’t you be folding?

Music Thing has a couple cool videos featuring live looping. If you want a little history try Bassline Baseline, the story of the 303. It starts off slow, but is pretty interesting. [via Screenhead]

Screenhead also has the very humorous Massachusetts Turnpike hacking.

[John Tokash] has been poking around under the Micro’s faceplate. It has a 5V connection, but he hasn’t been able to get a reading. Nintendo is known for novel feedback systems so I’m guessing they’ll be releasing games that come with special faceplates that light up at appropriate times.

I wish I had seen OpenSourceCMS when set up my first website. It lets you test drive default installs of different CMS. [via Download Squad]

Treehugger needs you to vote on their DIY Eco-Tech Contest.

[Pat]’s fridge/freezer/speaker

Multiple weird projects (lacking details grr) [crowre]

[brainpilgrim]’s take on noise canceling headphones

Yet another laptop cooler [thanks Jeshii]

How-to reserve library books ASAP [Micah c.]

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