Ben Heckendorn Interview (Part 1)

Here’s part one of my interview with Ben Heckendorn. Because it’s so long, and I’ve got a cold, I’m breaking it up into a two parter. Check out part 1 here, add the RSS feed to your program of choice, or subscribe to the feed via iTunes.

Ben and I get into most of the questions you guys asked, along with a few tangents. Enjoy!

[The devs are working on the feeds for me, so they’re not quite perfect. yet.]

Ask Ben Heck

If you missed it, I put up a new podcast yesterday. You can subscribe via the iTunes store or just use the RSS podcast feed. You guys asked for interviews, so here we go. Ben Heckendorn is going to be our first one. He and I are going to put it together later this week, so submit your question in the comments if you want me to ask him. [I’ll pick and choose, so make it good]
Ben built the Xbox 360 laptop, the colecovision portable, the PSP analog joystick, and plenty of others.

Hackaday Podcast 4

I’ve been thinking of resurrecting the podcast for a while. Now that my new mic and preamp finally showed up, it’s here, That’s right, podcast 4 is up. It’s an experiment, so let me know what you think. If it goes over well, I’ll try to make it a weekly feature. In the meantime, you can get it here – I’ll let you know when it’s published via iTunes. Meanwhile, here’s the rss feed if you want to subscribe. If you want to know about the hardware, you can check it out here.

[Yes, there will be a new hack later today.]
Oh yes, I forgot to add the music credits. Today’s podcast featured Captured by Ronka R and Discoshit by Voxter