Professional Soldering Guide


Curious Inventor pointed out a cache of training materials provided by IPC. IPC is a trade organization that publishes standards for producing and evaluating electronics. They’re great looking full color guides that most hobbyists will probably never get their hands on. They have low resolution video demos as well. Go snag them now in case they go away!

25 thoughts on “Professional Soldering Guide

  1. Here’s what I’m using. This should just grab the PDFs and videos (so far so good at about 3/4 of them). Its a slow connection, but it’s chugging along…

    wget –no-clobber –random-wait –wait=5 –retry-connrefused –no-directories –recursive –level=2 –accept pdf,wmv,mpg,mpeg,avi –reject html,htm,txt

  2. Yeah, we killed them – probably non of their site works well. I was only able to download “DRM-PTH-D through hole solder joint evaluation”.

    Artur92710, which ones you still don’t have? I will be trying with those first.

  3. I saw this and had to send an email to my friend “check this out! the curve from top left to bottom right on a front view exactly matches the curve from left to right on a side view (towards the point of refrence). I mean how do they get the surface tension to make such a perfect curve, when I pull my iron away I always get solder that tries to stick to my iron and then cools in ugly looking points”

    if anyone has these cats or other howto guides to solder this well please please send me an email.
    sirus20x6 at gmail dot com

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