Hackaday Links: July 17, 2016

There’s going to be a new Nintendo console for Christmas! It’s the NES Classic Edition. It looks like a minified NES, with weird connectors that look like the connector for the Wii Nunchuck. There are no other details.

A site called “Motherboard” reports assembling a computer is too hard and a ‘nerve-wrecking [sic]’ process. Tip of the stovepipe to the Totalbiscuit.

When I was in elementary school, the playground had a twenty foot tall metal slide that faced South. During my time there, at least three of my classmates fell off it, and I distinctly remember the school nurse’s aid running past me on the playground with a wheelchair. There wasn’t soft mulch or the weird rubber granules under this slide – just hard, compacted dirt. This slide was awesome, even if it was torn down when I was in third grade. [Brandon Hart]’s kid’s won’t look back fondly on their youth with experiences like these; he built a water-cooled slide in his backyard. He’s getting an 80°F ΔT with a trip to Ace Hardware, probably $20 in fittings, and a drill. Neat.

This is probably better suited for an ‘Ask Hackaday’ column, but [Arsenijs] has run into a bit of a problem with his Raspberry Pi Project. He’s trying to use a planarized kernel module to obfuscate the SPI bus, but he can’t do that because of a oblivated drumble pin. He could, of course, deenumerate several of the GISP modules, but this would cause a buffer underflow and eventually wreck the entire cloudstack. I told him he should use Corrosion, but he seems dead set on his Hokey implementation. If anyone has any ideas, get the glamphs and put it on the grumbo.

The Owon SDS7102 oscilloscope is a small, cheap, two-channel scope that is impressive for its price but noisier than you would expect. This scope has been thoroughly reverse engineered, and now Linux is running on this scope. This Linux scope has a working VGA display, USB host, USB device, Flash, and working Ethernet. The entire analog front end has been reversed engineered, and somehow this is now the most open oscilloscope you can buy.

The ESP32 is Espressif’s followup to their very popular ESP8266 WiFi module. The ESP32 will be much more powerful and include Bluetooth when it’s released in August. Until then, [Pighixxx] has the complete pinout for the ESP32.

23 thoughts on “Hackaday Links: July 17, 2016

  1. For the NES Classic, it’s safe to assume that those are nunchuck type connections. They are advertising that you can use the NES Classic controllers to play virtual console games on the wii/wiiu by plugging the controller into your wiimote.
    Here’s Nintendo’s page about it: http://www.nintendo.com/nes-classic

    I’m hoping when this comes out in November someone will buy one and do a tear-down video. There’s some debate on what is actually inside of it. My money’s on it being a small ARM based board running an emulator. Especially since the copy on it has advertised it as having save states.

    1. If anyone cares, and if my math is right.. the NES Classic should be about 5.25″ wide at the widest part and roughly 2″ tall. No idea on the depth of it, but if it’s to scale then I could measure my old school NES and figure it out.

  2. Awesome idea for cooling the slide [Brandon Hart]!

    I really hope the Raspberry Pi Project can solve the issue it has been dealing with. Has [Arsenijs] tried attaching an animated gif to the header pins?

    @Motherboard: Joking, right?…

        1. I can’t say anything about that article, but my opinion of the entire process of building or upgrading a computer (deciding on components, putting everything together) is the exact opposite of what this article claims that article says. Put another way, I’d describe it with words like “easy” and “fun”.

          1. I thought the author was joking; it would have worked as an April Fools article.
            I don’t think the guy has ever changed his RAM or even used a screwdriver before this. He complains that gaming pcs are expensive and then complains that he cut his finger while building his system. (Wah wah boo hoo)
            And he suggests blah blah buy an Apple or an XBOX.

            He couldn’t figure out where the cables go. :P
            Honestly thought it was a prank, but then I read the ‘angry emails’.

            When I did work on my system, which was a decade ago, it was fun. I made plenty of dumb mistakes but putting in the hardward seemed rather simple.
            If anything, building a system nowadays looks easier to me.
            I’ll find out for myself soon, my Win8 laptop isn’t cutting it anymore.

  3. Is there an “Ask Hackaday” column? Is there a place where people that have technical questions about their projects can list the question for help from other Hackaday readers? Do elephants sneeze?

  4. Hydro-fracking the slide, not good. Cracks will develop in the thin spot where you slide that bulged out.

    Fill anything always leaving air space, then plug or cap!
    If the slide was black and a flow of less than quart per minute ran thru the slide it would heat a survival cabin perhaps. There’s lots of heat coming off the back. To recirculate or heat water on tap would require a pressure regulator down to a couple of PSI to have city water feed and warm water to come out. Don’t frack your slide. I hear it causes earthquakes in Ok.

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