Ever looked up in the sky and wondered where all of those planes above you were going? [squix] no longer has to, thanks to his ESP8266-based Planespotter.
He built this nifty device to grab the details of the flights he sees taking off from Zurich airport. It’s a neat build, running on an ESP8266 that receives ADS-B data from ADS-B Exchange. This service allows you to query the ADS-B data with a specific location.
[squix]’s plane tracker sends a query to ADS-B exchange for flights in his location and below a certain height (so he sees ones that are just taking off), then displays the received information on the OLED screen. He says a display-only version will run you around $20, while the full version that also receives and shares data with the ADS-B Exchange will cost you about $50. That’s a lot cheaper than a plane ticket…
“That’s a lot cheaper than a plane ticket…”
random comparison / sentence is random.
Thank you, just filled a bugreport for the automated HaD article-generator. It’s quite good but still not perfect.
(This is a joke of course, i am not Richard Baguley.)
I, however, am Richard Baguley, and would rather that people didn’t use my name. It’s generally considered rude.
Woaw, two persons saying that they are me. That’s something that doesn’t happen every day.
You may be wondering why I’ve gathered you here today.
Um, hang on a sec… Three of me?
Now it’s enough, stop this Richard Baguleyception right now!
I think someone just divided by zero. You guys broke the HaD universe.
Hmmmm, someone seems to have misspelled “web scraper with LED display”…
Add a GPS, spotting scope the 3-axis encoder and I’d be really impressed.
…AND 3-axis encoder…