Hackaday Links


back with hackaday links. they’re delicious, fresh, and full of fun. let’s get started.

there’s rackmount servers, then there’s rackmount nintendo [Jon]

not quite virtual boy, but it’ll look the same. bust out some insanely cool images with a digital mechanical laser projector [m0th]

the mini cooper has come a long way. but the original was one small car, one that apparently was a great idea for making a gigantic lifesized robot that looks like it’s out to kill everyone [carson]

we’ve all gotten lost in the woods before. however, now we can get lost a make a fire because with a coke can and a chocolate bar, you can light anything you want on fire. awesome. [Joachim]

parallel lcd fun doesn’t always come cheap, but it’s still fun. [ian]

17 thoughts on “Hackaday Links

  1. wow thats a good idea!!

    Why dont we all sumbit entrys to makezine.com just so we can get our names onto hackaday too!! if we all contribute it eventually mean!!! thered never be any original content!.. wouldnt that be friggen awesome!!

    Keep up the good work boys

  2. Dammit! About six months ago my dad made me throw out this old computer I had no use for at the time, and NOW I’m coming up with all sorts of uses! (One being the CD-ROM/car hack). Bahh.

    Oh well. Maybe my old laptop CD-ROM drive will work.

  3. Probably not

    I’ve never seen a laptop drive with a headphone jack built-into it (the headphone jack is usually located somewhere on the front of the machine) and the internal connection for the drive is almost certainly something proprietary, and isn’t going to have an easily identifiable analog audio output.

    And it really is a disgrace when something like that car robot makes it on here. I hope that was a joke.

  4. joshua, there are tons of places you can pickup old computers. One being the dump or a junkyard, they also have local computer dumps sometimes. My friend even put up flyers asking for old computers to be donated to him instead of thrown away, he salvaged 30 with just the power to run a CS server all for free

  5. About the CD-Rom car player: what play button is he talking about? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a CD-Rom with a play button. I have two sitting here, and all I see is a headphone jack, volume controll, and the eject button. What am I missing?

  6. Nevermind my previous comment. Apparently only some players have the play buttons. I just found two lying around that do. I still have to wonder though, is there a way to hack one that doesn’t have a play button to play?

  7. The majority of the IDE CD-ROMs I have seen have had at the very least “Play” and “Eject” and occasionally forward and backward track buttons.

    Newer drives in modern “streamlined” (read, ugly) OEM computers are often void of many buttons, and sometimes even a status light.

    Perhaps that is the case with the drives you have.

  8. It looks like any IR hacking of the Furby goes about as far as my exoplorations with IR communications with Bio-Bugs and Insecto-Bots.

    An older Palm OS handheld running OmniRemote from Pacific Neo-Tek will be able to record and playback IR pulses and reproduce them.
    (So will a learning remote, but where’s the WOW in that?)

    This works with alot of IR stuff, but setting up a dialog of sorts with an robotic toy is really cool.

  9. I know you can put laptop CD parts in full-size computers with an adapter, though, so I THINK laptop CD drives at least can be wired up power-wise with the adapter…but not only would that cost me another ten bucks at least but I also have no clue about getting play and headphone access. Oh well. I think just getting another old computer’s a better route. That CD drive’s a piece of crap anyways. :P

  10. that mini cooper robot is just CG, I looked at it for a while and concluded that it is just a 3d robot probably modeled in 3ds max, with HDRI maps. He did a pretty good job with it. Looks like you fell for a marketing ploy hack-a-day

    “But in reality the Mini Cooper Autonomous Robot, Colin Mayhew, and Casson Publishing were all just part of an elaborate viral marketing campaign dreamed up by the ad agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky. What were they advertising? The new Mini Cooper obviously.” – museumofhoaxes.com

  11. that mini cooper robot is just CG, I looked at it for a while and concluded that it is just a 3d robot probably modeled in 3ds max, with HDRI maps. He did a pretty good job with it. Looks like you fell for a marketing ploy hack-a-day

    “But in reality the Mini Cooper Autonomous Robot, Colin Mayhew, and Casson Publishing were all just part of an elaborate viral marketing campaign dreamed up by the ad agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky. What were they advertising? The new Mini Cooper obviously.” – museumofhoaxes.com

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