hello people. readers. hackers. jason and i have been crunching to get the podcast done so it can be released to you friday. we are telling you right now though it will be the best podcast ever. period. we have interviews via skype, we have hacking news, we have discussions, we have you guys calling into our number 206-888-HACK and leaving voicemails. keep doing it. we read the dumb e-mails you guys have sent us. it’s a great show and about an hour long so far. yeah thats right, an hour long.
it is most certainly a rainy afternoon though. im lazy. you’re lazy. we’re all going to sit around playing halo 2 with the exploits arent we? right. hence why i’ve brought you links to distract you away from your xbox for 5 seconds.
PWOT showcases the gamer’s manifesto (mild language like you care)
get a little usb action in your car [weirdguy0101]
make a frosted-glass pc case! very cool looking.
bring back your power wheels from the dead by making a new battery [ScottyB]
really dirty (read: dangerous) marx generator [carpespasm]
so you’ve got your pizza, you’ve got your links for toppings, now what? oh that’s right. an easy to do hack! you got it buddy. this one actually comes from one of yesterday’s links.
the $1 laser light show sent in by [ahanda]
since im not shelling out $30 for Quicktime Pro 7, you’ll have to go to the site and check out the insanely awesome video. basically, you’re doing this:
Step 1. Get a laser pointer. the keychain kind you used to piss people off with at the movies.
Step 2. Break a CD that you don’t like (read: kenny g) and get a nice little triangle piece out of it.
Step 3. Bust out the bass. Whether it be your living room or 1988 honda accord with 12″s in the trunk, you’ll need a subwoofer with the speaker exposed.
This image sums up the rest. Watching the movie also helps. Now that’s a damn good laser light show for cheap!
Enjoy people. Keep an eye out friday for the podcast. I’ll also dig up the proper podcast url for you RSS addicts.
Erm… I saw yesterday’s links yesterday. Did you think today’s post looked too small? Maybe you just thought, “Damn that’s slick, I gotta repost it!” It couldn’t have been a mistake because it’s clearly noted “one of yesterday
That is a fun old school trick. You can also use a slide projector with foil on the lens with a pin hole in it.
A mirror shard (eg. from an old disco ball) works better than a CD and a surface coated mirror gives an even stronger beam. Also, a small, high powered speaker, such as one from a boom box, will work amazingly well if you stretch some baloon rubber over the front and glue the mirror to that. It’s also worth mentioning that the resulting patterns are basically looped oscilloscope waveform images (pure synth tones produce crystal clear waves).
this is a much cooler laser show:
Hey speaking of Halo 2, when is Hack a Day gonna get its act together and start a Halo 2 clan? Or has it already happened and im missing something?
A hack from one of yesterday’s links? Now *that’s* lazy!
That gamer’s manifesto though? That is pretty awesome. It makes me want to try to find a copy of that old Grim Fandango game now, which I never played.
I called in and left some high ass message about how to get cheap food at the mall. My apologies on one hand, but on the other, it is worth it.
I want to hack yahoo passwords ,just tell me the steps
if you set it up like so: laser, CD, spinning mirror. you can actually see a sine wave on the wall. by spinning mirror i mean either a flat mirror which is reflective on both sides or a wheel with a mirror along the edge. good luck!
so im stupid
is the mirror/cd attached directly to the speaker?
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