HOW-TO: PSP 2.00 To 1.50 Downgrade

UPDATE: Since this how-to was first written things have changed. Sony has released firmware 2.01 which makes this downgrade impossible. A PSP bricker trojan was released because of this antivirus software will classify both the good and bad downgrade files as harmful. You should do more research into the current state of the downgrade before attempting. As far as we know our firmware links are still good, we are not hosting them so we can not vouch for their safety.

C.K. Sample, III, TUAW / WIN Blogger and author of the forthcoming book, PSP Hacks, got his hands on the version 2.0 downgrader and wrote up a thorough how- to complete with pics for us. He even takes the extra steps to upgrade and downgrade yet again, just to make sure such a thing is possible.

As you can see, I have 2.0 running with the browser on my PSP. one

Step 1: Download the downgrader from either here, here or here. Then make sure you get a copy of the original 1.5 firmware upgrader. I found my copy here.

Step 2: Connect your PSP to your computer via USB. On your memory stick, create a folder called UPDATE inside /PSP/GAME/ and place the EBOOT.PBP file from the 1.50 update inside this UPDATE folder.

Step 3: Unzip Drop overflow.tif into your /PSP/PHOTO/ folder. Put both h.bin and index.dat in the root of your Memory Stick.

Step 4: Disconnect your PSP from your computer and plug in the AC adapter.

Step 5: Navigate to Photo then Memory Stick via the PSP’s menu system and start scrolling down through your photos until you reach the overflow.tif picture.

You’ll know you’ve hit it when everything freezes and you get a black screen with a bunch of white text output.

If your PSP freezes without going to this black text screen, then hold the power button for about 10 seconds until the PSP shuts down, then hit the power button again to start it back up. Repeat this step until you get that black screen.

Step 6: Don’t panic. Hold the power button for about 10 seconds until the PSP powers off. Hit the power button again. Your PSP will start up, and if you navigate to your System Information, you’ll discover that your PSP thinks it is running version 1.0 of the firmware. It isn’t and you cannot run homebrew (yet).

Step 7: Navigate to Game–>Memory Stick, hit the X button, and navigate to the 1.5 updater. Make sure you have your PSP plugged in or the upgrade won’t work. Click the X button and update like you normally would. At the end of the upgrade you will receive an error saying that the upgrade failed and to contact Sony. Don’t panic. Ignore this and again force your PSP to power off and reboot.

Step 8: After the PSP reboots you will receive an error screen that is scary and confusing because it is in multiple languages. Don’t panic. Find the language you can understand and read the corresponding line. It notes that your preferences are fragged and that you need only hit the O button to restore some default-ish settings. Hit the O button. eight

Step 9: The PSP will start back up and you will go through the initial setup like the day when you first bought your PSP. Do so and then go to the system info pane again, where you will see that you are rocking version 1.5. Run homebrew at will.nine ten
I ran through this entire procedure, then I downloaded the 2.0 update and installed that again, and then yet again went through the entire procedure again. It works like a charm. It’s a little time-consuming, but you can have the best of both worlds. Have fun!

644 thoughts on “HOW-TO: PSP 2.00 To 1.50 Downgrade

  1. hi, ihave a question.My psp had 1.5 version but in the pack in the box had the 2.0 upgrade Ihad to use this to play ssx on tour otherwise it would not play,do i need to downgrade again or will it be fine.I have the internet browser and on one of the psp’sshows online system info on memory stick cananyone enlighten me futher please.

    Thanks any

  2. Err, well I downloaded everything. When I try to extract the overflow.tif, it doesn’t work. And yes my anti virus is switched off. It says its extracting then finishes, but no file has been extracted…
    Please help, I so badly wanna try out all this homebrew stuff..

  3. Tried this on my uk psp (upgraded from 1.50 to 2.00 after purchase)and had troubles, but with a little playing got it to work. My hints would be: 1)The update folder you create for the boot file is case sensitive, use capitals when naming the folder. 2)After putting the 1.50 boot file on the memory stick, disconnect the psp and check that the 1.50 update is showing in the game option on the psp. (Mine showed “corrupt data” for a while. 3)might be coincidence but i had the same trouble of the psp freezing when trying to access the “overflow” in the photo file. When selecting the photo, i made sure i was pushing down on the controller as it was selected. This caused the blackout with the string of white text. Hope some of this helps.

  4. help please. I sucessfully did the downgrade and am now playing emulators on my PsP.

    I have a friend who just purchased a PsP v1.51 and we’re trying to figure out how to upgrade to 2.0 Now that sony has released a later upgrade where can I get 2.0?

  5. Hi i need some help,
    I put my overflow.tif file in photo and when i go to click it my psp freezes then i have to turn it on and off again then i got to video and memory card click udate v1.50 and it sais no need to upgrade already v2.00 can someone help me Thanks

  6. OK, please help

    i have version 2.00 and everything is extracted into the right spots and what not but what puzzles me is that in the MP_Root Folder (is that the right 1?) there are 2 other folders 100ANV01 and 100MNV01 i put the h and index in there and still freezes, than shutsodnw before i can select the image in Photosection..any help is greatly appreciated am i doing something wrong?


  7. SAME PROBLEM, have done anything it says in the above downgrader, but no photo shows up in the photo file and then it freezes and switches itself off and when i restart it, its still on version 2.0.

  8. To 185 and everyone who passed the “BLACK SCREEN with White Numbers,” but couldn’t get to 1.5 update because the file is shown to be corrupted…

    I got the same problem, and here is how I solved this problem:

    – first, I used the PSP to format my memory stick

    – Next, I removed the memory stick from PSP, and plug it back to my computer using a card reader (or you may just connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable)

    – Then, I created a folder called UPDATE under PSP/GAME/ and I moved the 1.50 EBOOT.PHP back into this folder (I didn’t worry about the h.bin and stuffs we’re suppose to copy to the roots, but it’ll be safer if you copy those files back to your root )

    – After the file is being copied to the memory stick, I removed the Memory stick from the card reader and plug it back to PSP, then I plugged back my psp to the power adaptor.

    -Now… go to the games —> memory stick…. the 1.50 updater is there!!!

    -from here, I followed the rest of the procedure using the above instruction! And my psp is successfully downgraded to 1.50~

  9. Hi Guys, i got the downgrader sorted with a little grief. My problem now is that the games i have are not recognised, they are saved in iso or rar format. Anybody knw what to do with these ?

  10. Just thought I would post a message to say everything from the above worked and if you follow it to the letter then all will work for you.

    Just a wee note the size of the files I used just to help you know you have the right ones were: 13.2 MB (13,864,535 bytes) 4.09 KB (4,192 bytes)

    Followed the instructions to the letter and used a newly formatted 1Gb stick with no UMD’s in the drive. Keep the folder names UPPERCASE and put the overflow.tif and for good measure make sure it is the only file in the PHOTO folder.

    I did not try the removal of the battery as I don’t really want to try that until it’s been tried and tested and has more than a 50/50 success rate. My PSP is a UK spec 1003K and the downgrade went perfectly. I don’t usually do these things so there’s hope for us all if I could get it working !! Thanks very much for the article.

  11. well hi

    can anybody help me.
    i got everything right untill the last step.
    after my update failed at 99% i shut it of and when i put it back on i got the 2.0 ver. again.
    please help me. thanx

  12. well hi

    can anybody help me.
    i got everything right untill the last step.
    after my update failed at 99% i shut it of and when i put it back on i got the 2.0 ver. again.
    please help me. thanx

  13. if anyone has a psp that says version 2 but doesn’t have the webbrowser and the picture hack doesn’t work, heres how:
    things you need:
    2.0 update
    wab version changer
    mph downgrader
    1.5 update

    1.copy wab version changer folders to psp/game folder version changer on your psp and select 1.5
    3.after reboot, copy 2.0 update to psp/game/UPDATE folder on your psp, make sure filename is eboot.pbp
    4. go to game / memory card and run the 2.0 update
    5.after update follow usual downgrade instructions
    any help, i am on messenger:

  14. Ok… in order to do this you need to start with 2.0 right? ok well i have 1.51 (why it came with it.. i dont know.. but it sux!).. so i downloaded the 2.0 eboot.pbp file and put it in a folder labeled update in the game folder. so i go to game and click on memory stick and click on the 2.0 update icon and the message “the game could not be started (80020148)” appears and then goes back to the main screen. can anyone help me with this? my aim name is imjustaguy227 …. im always on mymobile so its fine to msg me and my email is thanx

  15. it is classed as a virus just disable norton for 15 mins i had this problem norton kept deleting it
    it wont do any damage it works perfect for new psps with 2.0 as standard cause got psp today and downgraded just then worked a treat good old doom and david if u read what people have said ul no that u have to put the files in the root directory of the memory card not the psp folder theres been enough comments on this that no1 could have a problem because every problem has been solved or people have got bad news if they have 2.1

  16. Hi,


    If you are entering the images bit of the PSP and the thing is just having a fit and crashing but NO WHITE NUMBERS — the instructions say try, try, try again.

    HOWEVER all this actually means is you have an EMPTY photos directory. Get some smally crappy jpg, RENAME it ‘aaa.jpg’, and move this into your images folder AS WELL AS the image it tells you too.

    Hey presto! Worked for me straight away.

    The above instructions presume (wrongly) that you have >1 photo to look at.

    DISCLAIMER — all the usual — if your PSP sprouts wings and flies to heaven don’t blame me.

    However there are about 10 comments above from people not seeing the mystical white letters. THIS IS HOW YOU SOLVE THAT ONE!!


    If you are entering the images bit of the PSP and the thing is just having a fit and crashing but NO WHITE NUMBERS — the instructions say try, try, try again.

    HOWEVER all this actually means is you have an EMPTY photos directory. Get some smally crappy jpg, RENAME it ‘aaa.jpg’, and move this into your images folder AS WELL AS the image it tells you too.

    Hey presto! Worked for me straight away.

    The above instructions presume (wrongly) that you have >1 photo to look at.

    DISCLAIMER — all the usual — if your PSP sprouts wings and flies to heaven don’t blame me.

    However there are about 10 comments above from people not seeing the mystical white letters. THIS IS HOW YOU SOLVE THAT ONE!!

  18. help! says that i need to charge the battery before It can start the update, which is odd because the CABLE IS IN! Ive tried it wihtout the battery altogether, and i’ve still had no luck

  19. SO whats so great about the 1.5 version anyway? Why is everybody downgrading – forgive my ignorance but i thought upgrades made things better… can someone explain the difference between versions 1.5 and 2.0?? Thanks

  20. i am trying to downgrade my V.2 psp to V1.5 so i can play my homebrew but when transfering all the files i go to PHOTO folder and it shows nothing but if i browse via the pc it shows that it is there

    any ideas plssssssssssssss

  21. For all those having problems with PSP freezing and going to black screen without the white gibberish I have the solution! I was having same problem for 1 hour – driving me nuts. You will have put the H.bin and index.dat files in a folder called ROOT not in the root directory. On my PSP in the root directory I had two folders one called PSP and another called ROOT – do not put the two files in this root folder , simply copy them to this area that holds the PSP and ROOT folders! Hope this makes sense.

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