How, oh how did I miss this one? (original) A japanese hacker merged a powerglove with a wiimote. Need I say more? Seriously, who didn’t want a powerglove when they came out? video of the thing in action is after the break.
Quick extra:
It turns out that the Wii Nunchuck is a great source for parts. It’s got a 3-axis accelerometer, joystick and buttons for a mere $20 [chad]’s wrote a full how-to on turning a wii controller into a bluetooth transmitter and an interface for the wii nunchuck for the Arduino.
… it’s so bad!
The powerglove was cool because there wasn’t a controller like that for the NES. With the Wii, the WiiMote is probably much easier to use anyway, and it’s easier to share with 2+ players if need be.
You have no idea how sweeet that is!!!! Nintendo’s worst peripheral paired up with it’s best. Excellent job dude.
But the thing is that it may likes the other peoples too. Any guess why??
Won’t it be painful trying to keep your arm stretched out like that for a long time?
This would be sick if it were used for metroid
Ugh the Powerglove was such a sham. Who would want to resurrect it?
Actually it costs just $6.5 to get a nunchuck from ebay, postage included:
Their site is down :-( Too much traffic?