Powerglove Wiimote

How, oh how did I miss this one? (original) A japanese hacker merged a powerglove with a wiimote. Need I say more? Seriously, who didn’t want a powerglove when they came out? video of the thing in action is after the break.

Quick extra:
It turns out that the Wii Nunchuck is a great source for parts. It’s got a 3-axis accelerometer, joystick and buttons for a mere $20 [chad]’s wrote a full how-to on turning a wii controller into a bluetooth transmitter and an interface for the wii nunchuck for the Arduino.


10 thoughts on “Powerglove Wiimote

  1. The powerglove was cool because there wasn’t a controller like that for the NES. With the Wii, the WiiMote is probably much easier to use anyway, and it’s easier to share with 2+ players if need be.

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