Last night I rebuilt my ECM Giotto with a new boiler. I’ve seen PID controlled machines before, but today I stumbled across this modded Rancillo Silvia. [Tim] replaced the internal brain with a PIC controller, added a NES control pad for input, a VFD display and a custom laser cut acrylic top. He used the PIC to provide PID control and PWM heater control with the usual solid state relays. I was leaning towards using a PIC for PID control myself, but then I scored my Giotto. (The heat exchanger and larger boiler makes it a bit of a moot point, but I’m still tempted to add PID boiler controls.)
9 thoughts on “Silvia PIC Controlled PID Looped Espresso Machine”
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i want to see a hack for the stoner geeks
lmao, now make it wireless lolol
“yeah hun, ill make you some coffee rite away”
*click click click*
Alex, all the cool stoner geeks are hacking coffee.
I hope your not too addicted to coffee Will…
im a true stoner and i dont drink coffee thats the oppisate effect than what we want
I beg to differ alex.
I find the combination to be most pleasing.
I agree, nothing goes better with a bowl than a cup of coffee. I prefer an XL dunkin donuts blueberry, heavy cream, heavy sugar, shot of espresso.
That is quite intriguing. With my coffee I like some nice Mcvities to dip in. Yumsy yumsy :)
Thanks for the info – in the morning I cant beat a good homemade cup of coffee