We’ve been talking a lot about alternate modes of transportation lately. The 360 inline skateboard immediately caught our eye for its simplicity and hubless wheel design. The usage seems fairly straightforward, but the videos posted by designer [Francesco Sommacal] don’t make it look exceptionally fun; more like they’re daring you to use the thing. What we find most jarring about this is how similar it is to the Bushpig. Did the commercial gas powered version really predate this unpowered device?
The design is simple enough to understand, but we’re not really sure where you can easily source hubless wheels like this. Any ideas?
[via Gizmodo]
Juan Aguilar, i think we have made it clear in responses to previous posts that we don’t want HaD to become another engadger/gizmodo/news portal please stop it.
no hack no care
dont ask, entered wrong box, on a phone ~Frogz
this is not a hack and it is not hubless. the hubs are just larger than normal with a visible hole in the middle. so why is this and a lot of other BS garbage non hack stuff being posted here lately?
hack where?
If I wanted this crap I’d go to gizmodo or engadget.
This thing sucks. You can’t even mamke it go without being on a hill. Also – Not a hack.
Just the kind of thing I look to be covered by Hackaday. Just because it’s offered as a product doesn’t mean it’s not a fantastic hack of current skateboard technology. The Bushpig video is awesome, too.
Take a look at the Wheelman, it’s almost the same but with a motor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIU1e0xlqZA
@frogz Sage goes in the email field
where can i bay it in Germany??????????
Wait… this isn’t a hack… wtf?
Anybody who wants hack-a-day “classic”, change your bookmark to:
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Yeah, I know it’s not fun to have to change your personal habits, but it’s way easier than trying to get hackaday to change.
does that stuff works
if yes than i doubt about stablity
yes stablity
do u have any thing to say now
Wow.. That looks awesome. I wonder how hard it is to ride? Ive never seen anything like it before. Its gotta be tough to get used to.
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