BackTrack 3 Final Is Out

OpenSuse and Ubuntu are perfectly serviceable Linux distros, but we’ve had a soft spot for BackTrack from the very start. Good news for us, since yesterday was the long awaited release of BackTrack 3 Final. It uses the same kernel as before (to maintain WiFi injection compatibility) and Nessus is still out, but it is not without a great deal of other improvements. Its forensic capabilities are better than ever, largely due to included apps like a fully functional version of SAINT and a special version of Maltego made just for BackTrack. The download is free, but Remote-Exploit is asking users not to distribute it without notifying them first, because they’re trying to keep track of the number of downloads.

[via Midnight Research Labs]

9 thoughts on “BackTrack 3 Final Is Out

  1. I tried out the second beta a while back, but couldn’t manage to get X to start (I think it didn’t include the video drivers my laptop needed, although bt2 works on it). Anyone know if they changed anything along those lines between the beta and final?

  2. @miked

    STFU noob. Backtrace is one of the coolest things to ever come out of the Linux live cd movement. If you want to hack networks, hardware, embedded devices, etc. Backtrace if the distro of choice. I have a dozen copies of the 2nd beta sitting around, and I’m now downloading this version. If I didn’t read this HAD article I wouldn’t have found out about a useful tool for HACKING (whitehat fyi)

    So yeah, its not a hack, but its a tool for hackers. So quit yer bitching.

  3. BT3 final, a jewel..I am running it on VMware 6,
    some problems with SPOONWEP and KISMET…for now…
    Can I expect more?…no problem at all running from the Live CD!!!


    “Life is a Hack, have a nice HackaDay day”

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