The NoiseAXE is a miniature synthesizer based on the Picaxe 08M microcontroller. Its operating principle is fairly simple: a conductive stylus touches the leg of one of eight resistors to play one of eight notes, while a photoresistor controls the amount of modulation, creating a variable vibrato effect. While the synthesizer’s output is rather limited (the NoiseAXE isn’t exactly a Yamaha DX7), it’s still a pretty cool little project; you could use its unique sounds to add that gritty analog touch to your next electro hit. Check out the video clip below to see and hear it in action.
[photo: rarebeasts]
If you hooked the touch leg upto infrared reciever diodes or the like you could make it convert the IR in a room to sound..
arrange the IR diodes in a circle facing out.. so they dont all go off the same..
doing that, adding rotation may make an interesting effect…
one more..
hook it up to the multi axis on a game controller and make it very annoying to play games..
i have got to leave this thing along.. but
10 more of them, some switches, and fine tuning and you could make a piano.. or mod a piano..
Amazing Site I like it. It Was Quite Interesting NiceWork I appreciate the information you provided Excellent post. Keep it up! Good day!
sinus… for gods sake add some sinus… squarewaves make my ears bleed.
This project does not produce a nice sin only because its a low part-count project, pity, because an inductor and a 220nF with 4.7KOhm would have improved the sound. Gonna try build my own one next week :-)
besides the IR part that was basically my midterm in high school electronics (except on a protoboard to save money)
This could be an interesting addition to my circuit bent electronic guitar.
Great, a collection of circuit bent instruments to complement my collection of smallish robots! :D