[Anthony] has transformed a simple router board into a fully fledged Debian system. The board is an RB433AH which has a 680Mhz development board with 3 LAN ports and 3 Mini PCI slots intended for routing tasks. At roughly $150, this could be a pretty versatile tool to have around. Possibly more useful than the SheevaPlug.
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better a SheevaPlus if we compare a 680mhz CPU @ $150 and a 1.2 Ghz CPU @ 99$ if you wish to use as a webserver / dbserver
Really, cool. However comparing these 2 projects just based on their clock speed is a little ridiculous.
I think the versatility comes from the 3 mini-pci slots. it would definitely make more sense for a light car-puter than the plug.
Which one of these can run Dansgaurdian? How about ClamAV?
With that cost I can set up an Turion ML-30 on a s754 board with as much expandability and power as I need.
Check out Ubquiti’s RouterBoard Pro at 79$.
I think this is going to be a big hit. They also have a firmware competition with lots of prizes.
Specs: PoE, GiG E, 680MHz Cpu, SDIO, usb, 256 mb ram, serial port, low power, works with OpenWRT.
msi offered these minipci cards for a motherboard they carried(carry?)
1.MS-9518 with Adaptec AIC-7892B SCSI controller
2.MS-9514 with TI TSB43AB FireWire chips from Texas Instruments
4.MS-9513 with ATI Rage XL graphics chip ”
graphics card and scsi controller would make this a dam cool carputer or custom net-book ect
consumption on sheevaplug is 5W a beagleboard is 2W, how bout this one?
Not that impressive, these devices are designed to run a small linux. The company that produces them (Mikrotik) even gives you instructions on how to install different linux’es on their products. But still, very nice! BTW these Routers are really worth checking out, believe me!
I did the same a few weeks ago with the ALIX boards from pcengines.ch. They’re very cheap and run very good with voyage linux (which is a debian devirate particulary for these boards). The boards have a very low power consumtion and can be powered over PoE
Actually I’m running a torrent, nfs, apache, firewall, openvpn, mpd, mysql and a 300GB USB-Hardisk with dmcrypt (Geode-AES) flawless on the alix2d3
greetings from switzerland
Ya, mikrotik…sorry, they don’t really support alternative linux. purchased a routerboard 1000, asked for the GPL sourcecode. all that I got was a completely outdated patch for, while they are running a 2.6.27.x. asking for recent GPL code is simply ignored by them. this is a case for gpl-violations.org
I don’t know about the gpl violations, but I do know that the mikrotik routerOS is a damn good product, we use it in 90% of our routers at this time.. works great.
The boards are amazing, theres another article about similar usage of the ALIX pc-engines boards here – http://www.yawarra.com.au/cs-jonoxer.php