How-to: Fix Your Stupid Internet


Dear Hack a Day,
Websites keep publishing poorly executed jokes today; how can I fix this?

We’ve been getting a lot of questions on the tip line like the one above, so we put together this one-step illustrated how-to. If you’re not the physical labor type, you can use [Steve Lambert]’s SelfControl.

[Related: Hack a Day goes autonomous, Craft a Day]

26 thoughts on “How-to: Fix Your Stupid Internet

  1. the tags had me laughing harder than the actual post.

    @dustin: so what you’re saying is that your former company is hiring, and their criteria is pretty low. where do i send my resume?

  2. It took a little effort, but I completed this tutorial and it was totally worth it. This project allowed me to check out this this great app I just heard of (i’m pretty sure it’s googles latest product). It’s sort of like street view, but with great freedom of movement, and chat system sort of like skype, but with tons of emotes. If you don’t have a mount it does take forever get around and the mods can be total dicks sometimes, but it’s till pretty awesome, you guys should check it out.

  3. Maybe if we just hacked together a big tissue for all the crybabies it would be better.

    So much crying yesterday about 0401 you;d think it was something important.

    but it wasn’t

  4. I was really in need of the self control program when I first Civilization came out. Had a few games interrupted by the alarm clock going off telling me it was time to go to work. Problem is that if you install it, you can also disable it.

  5. samburton,
    You are obviously not the most educated on the subject, perhaps a bit of research before you judge would do you some good.

    Had you followed the tutorial above, your fiance would not have had that problem.

  6. Gosh Man…. I was not getting this at first. Ha Da.. Got me. But I was afraid of the problem happening. Something weird did happen but I think I got it taken care of.

    Guess what..I did not unplug it. I worked all day on it. Great blog.

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