Pre Insiders has reported that the Pre’s Mojo SDK has been leaked to the internet. Palm was planning an early access program, eventually releasing the SDK by the end of the summer, but this leak has accelerated the process. They are posting several download links, including torrents, but they warn developers to use the tools wisely.
Related: Palm Pre teardown
[via techmeme]
“wisely”? Really? Will the fabric of reality be torn asunder if the SDK is used improperly?
I’ve got it. It appears to be nothing more than a VM and putty. Not really sure what I am going to do with it though. Probably delete it and wait for them to release the final version. *shrug* my curiosity is satisfied.
grabbing this now, i’ve been waiting for this for far too long already. time to get coding.
when should tools _not_ be used wisely?
I’m wondering if Palm doesn’t do this on purpose so they can beta test without any liability
I also grabbed it and was disappointed from a SDK standpoint, but very excited from a VM standpoint. It easily allowed me to take documentation screenshots I needed and also gave me the ability to go through settings I wanted to see that I didn’t when I played with a pre for ~10 min.
I imagine some good documentation will be included in the final release.
You know you can take a screen shot on the device itself, right? [orange]+[shift]+[p] will drop it in a screencaptures directory on internal storage.
Why did you link ‘mojo sdk’ to ‘’ that’s a crime against sensible contextual links.
It is a bit of a letdown SDK wise, as it just creates a barebones framework of a program at this time, leaving you to figure out… well, everything. The keys to simulate the gesture area weren’t documented and took a bit of trial and error.
It’s sparse, but it’s workable.
it has to be a pr stunt to keep people talking about the pre. with the lead that the iphone has already, i figure palm needs all the help it can get
I personally can’t wait for the Palm Pixi to hit UK shores. After reviewing the Palm Pre, one thing that was apparent to me was the slightly cramped keyboard which made texting a little bit awkward.
The Pixi has fixed this apparently, however the camera resolution has been dropped to 2 megapixels, which to be honest is a shambles.
WebOS is amazing, the 1.3.5 update will be amazing I am sure, and if Google could go back knowing about WebOS they’d surely design something very similar.
Thank you for the post.
Jakk – Your fellow Technoholic :D
@ my previous comment above
I got my hands on the Palm Pixi finally in the UK! It remeinded me of a budget Nokia at first, but when I got to play around further, I found it to be a fantastic little handset.
They keyboard is brilliant, and is way on par the the better ones I have tried such as the Nokia E71, E72, E75 and Blackberry models.
Jakk – Your fellow Technoholic :D