Make Your Own 3d Monitor


Don’t let this cruddy video fool you. [Sprite_tm] has done an amazing job here. He has put together a fairly simple way of creating your own 3d monitor at home. The basic principle is easy to get. You have to supply different angles of an object, on the screen, at the same time. [Sprite_tm] has done this by using transparency sheets, printed with a pattern to only show specific pixels. As you move your head, you see a different set of pixels, and therefore a different image. It’s simple, but it works. The system isn’t really new. Traditional 3d with polarized glasses uses a very similar setup. This system however seems like it is lacking in stereoscopic view however. When you move your head, you’re looking at a different angle, but still a 2d image of it. It would be really cool if he could somehow present each eye a different view, without polarizing filters and glasses. We’ve seen others do that with multiple screens, but that gets so clunky and can give most people a headache pretty quick. We also think we are about to see a flood of face tracking perspective modification, especially with project Natal and similar technology emerging.

19 thoughts on “Make Your Own 3d Monitor

  1. Actually, this _is_ stereoscopic: because your eyes are at a different angle of the screen, they see different images, fooling your brains into seeing 3d. It works really well as long as you stand a few meters from the screen.

  2. What he’s done is make a fixed-viewpoint autostereoscopic monitor. All that’s needed is to tweak the overlay mask to only output two images, and to focus those two images to where your eyes would be at a fixed head position.
    That, or use a much higher resolution monitor, and provide enough positional images that you could track head position and output the correct Land R image for each eye (this is how free-space autostereoscopic monitors work).

  3. So, let me get this straight:
    The 3D image only works when you are the perfect distance from the screen.

    I know that you use a LCD screen to “black out” specific pixels. What if you added a LCD filter a few centimeters away from the screen, and added an auto-focus feature. Most of the time, my head is in a single position. Either a high-accuracy LCD would block out the proper portions, Or, a mechanical device would push/pull the filter in and out depending on my distance to the screen.

  4. @Ben Ryves

    I could be wrong, as usual, but I think I remember the pro screens use a lenticular ‘underlay’. The lens fits between the back light and the lcd so that the light passing through alternating rows of pixels travels in different directions. This way you don’t actually see the lenticular lens.

  5. It’s interesting and ingenious.

    That idea basis remainds me a lot the shadow mask part inside any color trc, (the picture tube on the tv and monitors).
    and at first glimpse seems to work almost the same way.


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