[Rui] is working on a sequencer to control his robotic gamelan. The software maps out the controllers that operate the musical robot, which play the traditional Indonesian instruments.
The controls use ultrasonic distance sensors that detect the proximity of the musician’s hands. This data is collected by an Arduino and sent to a computer for use with the sequencer. The controller body is an upside down salad bowl from Ikea; cheap, available, and creative!
[via @littlebirdceo]
At first, I thought this said “Robotic Game Lan.”
l used to play gamelon
the old fashioned analog way
these here bots seem to be lacking
in the way of velocity/expresion controll
but most of all
a key part of the gamelon sound
l am in the middle of nowhere in argentina
so this here computerator
wont really do vimeo
so it died before l got to chek out the controlers
more infor would be nice
especily the sequencign bits
what eh salid bowls control…
it is an orchestra
you know
so one person to controll
(esp in real time) si quite a mish