Precision Grinder Is A Thing Of Beauty

This beautifully crafted grinder would make any machining enthusiast salivate.It features a fixture for holding your work at any angle or orientation to the grinding wheel but the slotted bed also allows for other attachments to be used. Two of the examples shown in this highly detailed (machine porn) writeup include sharpening bits and light surface grinding. There’s not much more to say because the pictures speak for themselves.

[Thanks Bud]

34 thoughts on “Precision Grinder Is A Thing Of Beauty

  1. Absolutely gorgeous, but I have to shake my head when I see all of that mechanism exposed (including at least one lead screw) exposed to grit. Grinders are on the dirty side of my shop, but this looks like is need to be kept clean.

  2. Beautiful work, but I am also curious about the hygienic needs of this device. I’ve never ground anything that didn’t leave dust, shavings, and debris covering me and my work area.

  3. This IS NOT your typical grinder!!! And why would you ever let your tools get dirty? Big or small, keep your tools clean and they will be your best friend.
    Now as to Dext0rb’s comment…. I would start with the stem down :)

    Does anyone have the power spec’s on this? im looking for trq, rpm… and anyone see how i can use this on my SOLAR UAV project to keep the electric motor production in house?

    1. Beautiful or not, tools get dirty when their used. Learn how to properly clean & maintain your tools after use, and they will keep performing. If your tools aren’t getting dirty, your not doing anything!

  4. is there like a hopper or something to put your weed in man? where do you put the plants?
    you could build an attachment similar to a cotton-gin and make it that much more useful..

    all jokes aside, that is some damn fine gadget pr0n:)

  5. this thing is absolutely beautiful. i have an old mill bed lying around somewhere, i wonder if i could make a simpler (less pretty…) version of this…

  6. Weiter geht es mit einem wichtigen Bedienelement, dem Vorschubhandrad. It continues with an important control element, the Vorschubhandrad.

  7. The most difficult part for any grinder is the spindle. Getting it to run really true, and without vibration is the usual problem. He does describe a spindle he built elsewhere on his page, I am assuming that he used that. Reading in mechanical translation, I can’t be sure of how he addressed the various problems that make grinder spindles so expensive. (a single replacement spindle can cost $2k, a simple wheel mounting insert $200)

    One thing that makes me question the accuracy of the thing (besides heavy use of aluminum) is that there is no evidence of fitting the sliding surfaces. (this is normally done with marking compound, a surface plate, and special hand tools. It leaves a distinctive finish.)

    It definitely tool p**n, despite my quibble.

  8. I know a few guys with similar setups, the main difference is theirs get used daily and are basically covered in material. looks pretty and those types of grinders do great work, just most are nowhere near that clean.

  9. In before the “NOT A HACK!” people- this is ridiculously cool enough that it doesn’t matter!

    And what’s even scarier- I think I can make one of these. The more I look at it, it’s simple angles and squared up stuff. The hardest part of making it would be the accurate dial readouts. But with the 12″ X axis travel Taig mill I have on my workbench, with a rotary table at 90 degrees for a 4th axis, I think I could make one of these in a week.

    Hackaday, you just gave me a cool new project!

  10. I got an XY T-Slot table with an ancient Drill Press about 6 months ago, I think I’m gonna scrap the press repair project and do this.

  11. Wow, that is a work of art. Much prettier than a used machine.

    His tool is similar in capability to a “Monoset” tool grinder, made by Cincinnati Milacron. They are perfect for sharpening unique cutting tools. But to be useful, they do have to be very stable. You cannot have chatter in the finished product (or the cutter will perform poorly and possibly even break.)

  12. It is indeed beautiful, makes me wonder what it is in humans that makes them think so, because there’s no doubt about that it awes the beholder.

  13. After seeing this awesome thing of beauty , i will go and nurse my depression , this machine is what caused it.
    Somebody has poured his soul into crafting this machine and I cannot achieve to rival or equal this.
    It’s creator is an artist and I take my hat of to him.

  14. The creator is a German and google makes a mess of the translation of this man’s german technical
    I am Belgian and I don’t have a problem with either english,german,french or dutch and I am not even school-educated in two of them.

  15. The quality and finish of this machine tool reminds me of the tools built and described in ‘Model Engineer’ magazine by Geo. H. Thomas. His workmanship was second to none. He’d probably spin in his grave about printing the graduations on plastic and glueing them on – no sir, no half-measures like that for him, he’d set the dials up and machine the index marks and graduations then set up the job in his staking tool and punch the numerals. Much more durable for a tool and cutter grinder like this.

  16. Your are “P.Kax” about the dials when you thinking in the classic way.
    Then engraving or stamping is indeed how it’s done.
    But considering that he leans toward the modern side (CAD-drawings) he gave it a more contemporary look, that’s alright in my books.
    He still gets 10 out of 10 for that clean almost clinical look.

  17. Perfect example of making tools to make more tools to make even more tools.
    Looking at this rivals the coolness of 5 axis cnc machine milling turbine blades.

  18. It is obvious that this “photo” is phake; probably done by an expensive CAD software! NOTHING made by a human could look so good.


    P.S. My hat’s off to the creator of this work of art!

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