A table and chair that can move around by themselves? What’s next, suicide booths, self-replicating robots, and Star Trek styled tablet computers? It seems that [Adam Lassy] is moving in that direction. He took this furniture from Ikea and made some neat modifications to give it mobility. Each of the four legs has wheels on them and the legs themselves rotate in unison to change the direction of travel. We could see the table as a more practical drink delivery system than the Bar2d2. It certainly would make for some great late-night pranks but the chair motors need to be silenced before that can happen.
[Thanks Balbor via Ikea Hacker]
That is the loudest moving chair I have heard besides a racing barstool. I would like to see the table walk rather than roll. That would be more table like.
With moving furniture throughout the house connected to a roomba, you could do some serious autonomous cleaning.
Cool idea. Your furniture could coordinate with your Roomba to clean areas that aren’t normally accessed. You could set up the dinner table for two, four, or six. You could clear your living room floor for exercise or dancing or Wii with the press of a button, or time/event triggers. Or just freak out your cats.
What if you have carpet?
the point of this? oh wait, I know.. because you can. yeah.
Hm that brings me on the ide of modifying the table of my parents…it’s one of those, where you can pull the two halves away from each other and put up to two center pieces to enlarge the table in length.
This is something that could be automated.
Any recommendations on powerful but silent and probably geared motors that have enough power to move a piece of a table?
Hey people, i just thought if you from the middle ages this must look like magic.
Anyway i bet woman would like these as they constantly move stuff around you know.
So who knows. With the right brainwashing it may be jsut the next marketing hit.
They’ll be the hit of the party.
I can’t fathom how loud these are. My first instinct was that a table saw was running somewhere in the background.
The amount of times I’ve asked myself that same question, fair enough it was after downing copious amounts of open source beer but still!
this would be cool for the plant…. have the coffee table follow the light throughout the day for catching all the sunlight…
I saw this at the ITP showcase about a month ago. The point of this was: for a school project.
The guy was pretty cool and mentioned that the motors wouldn’t support any real weight (I believe)
wow, my headphones are sitting on the computer (on the floor) windows says my volume is at 57% and I could hear these
otherwise, fun stuff
I want to give them both a chainsaw and let them fight to the death.
Would be ten times cooler if it didn’t sound like a fucking wood shop. I like the idea though.
sounds just as awfull as nxt motors
I guess the chair will not roll if i will be sitting on it with my 70kg…
Am I the only one who was bitterly disappointed that the chair didn’t put itself neatly under the table? ;(
reminds me of a tachikoma!
I especially like the idea of the table moving around to provide the plant with ideal growing conditions. :3