Dreamcast VMU, Meet IPod

We’d bet you never had a Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit, but if you can find one now it can be turned into an iPod (translated). The VMU was originally a memory card for the not-so-popular gaming console that put an LCD screen right in your controller. When you weren’t at home you could take it with you and play mini-games. This version lacks its original guts, which have been replaced with a 6th generation iPod nano. The screen is just a bit small for the opening so a frame of white tape was applied as a bezel. The sleep button has been extended through the cover for the VMU connector. It seems there’s a gaping hole in the back of the case, but after seeing the ultrasonic knife used to cut away the plastic we don’t care. We’ve embedded video of that tool after the break.


[via Reddit]

55 thoughts on “Dreamcast VMU, Meet IPod

  1. Not so popular gaming console? It broke records in sells during that time. It goes down in history as the first gaming console that offered online play. I still have mine and I play it more than my PS3, PS2, PS, Wii, XBox, and XBox360 games

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