[Debraj] wrote to us describing a project he recently completed – a simple, compact spectrum analyzer using a 16-bit dsPIC microcontroller.
The analyzer is fed an analog signal, which is passed through a large resistor followed by an opamp. A DC offset is then applied to the signal, after which it is passed through a software-programmable gain amplifier before being fed into the dsPIC’s analog input. A Fast Fourier Transform calculation is done using code provided by the PIC’s manufacturer once 128 samples have been collected. The results are then displayed on the attached LCD in real-time.
If you get a chance, take a look at the video embedded below for a walkthrough and demonstration of his analyzer. [Debraj] says that the analyzer was built to measure harmonics in his home power lines, but for demonstration purposes, he has used a simple function generator instead.
If you’re interested in seeing some other spectrum analyzers, be sure to check out these items we featured in the past.
very cool!
I need to finish my avr based spectrum analyzer eheh.
Nice work
You sound like an ENGG2800 student?
What im interested in is the hardware? Can anyone explain the power supply setup? is it getting a DC in and splitting it with a virtual ground?
I need to implement FFt in ATmega32.
can anyone help ?
Nice work,n nice presentation in all respect.speed,sound quality, and to the point .
I am trying to implement FFT for power line with freescale controller. IF you have any idea,suggestions it will be great help for me.
It’s a very good work , it really helped me for my project since it is a part of it . So if you don’t mind could you please send me the code used for it.
Thank You