Freedombot is a neat little robot designed for exploring magnetic surfaces. It has two whiskers for detecting objects in its path and two rare earth magnets which allow it to stick to your fridge.
Overall Freedombot may not be anything revolutionary but its builder [skater_j10] does a good job of covering topics which my be interesting to robotics beginners. For example he goes through the process of modifying some HiTec HS- 55 Micro Servos for continuous rotation which allows them to act as the wheels. To control the bot he uses two 555 timers wired up in astable mode to generate the needed PWM for the servos. The proximity sensors are simple limit switches with some wire soldered on to the end. The end result is a neat little robot for roaming the front of your fridge. See a video of it in action after the break.
This happens to be [skater_j10]’s entry into the 555 timer contest. Unfortunately the deadline has passed for new entries but be sure to swing by and check out some more awesome 555 hacking.
I am unaware what a rare earth magnate is. :D
I am unaware what a rare earth magnate is. :D
This robot and the previously posted robot should be combined into a Fridge Wanderer!
Is there a particular reason you use the phrase “after the break” in every single post or are you just stuck?
typo heaven.
Its[sic] got two whiskers for detecting objects in its path and two rare earth magnates[sic] which allow it to stick to your fridge.
*It’s, magnets.
Was I the only one that thought it would get stuff from your fridge for you?
Nope, I thought that when I first read the title too.
Pretty slick little device, and even better is that it doesn’t use any micro at all.
Great job!
Also, you mean that it explores ferro-magnetic surfaces. Magnetic surfaces are the surfaces of magnets.
Just make those whiskers a little less rigid and you’re in business. Add one with different geometry on the bottom and it won’t go around the corners. It’s beautifully simple though.
I have one that exploers the inside of the fridge. I call it my stepson and it’s 10 bit digital.