Pong, An Engine, And Bond Theme (oh My!)

Hopefully you’re not on a network that blocks YouTube, because we’re sharing videos that show off three different projects. Alas, they don’t give any details about the development process, but we think you’ll like seeing the end results just the same.

First up is a Stirling engine. This one is pretty serious business, with machined parts making up the alcohol-lamp powered engine [Thanks Pete]. This is much more elegant than the tuna can version from last month.

Bust out your Arduino and give theoriginal video game a go. This game of Pong is played on an oscilloscope using two micro-trimpots. To make it happen a pair of MCP4901 DAC chips are feeding the probes.

While you’ve got that friendly blue breakout board out, might as well grab a set of old foppy drives. Here is an eight-channel version of the James Bond theme [via Technabob]. Unlike the sampler from the other week, this one uses the stepper motor noise to create sweet music.

5 thoughts on “Pong, An Engine, And Bond Theme (oh My!)

  1. I think he used the system from sammy1am for the floppys wich i use too because it is very easy to get some music out of the floppys but the music should be edited to get good results because of the speed limits of the floppys.

    i am currently working on floppy-music on more than 8 drives.

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