Some people have a real knack for sourcing parts at the dollar store. [James] is one of those people, having built this Arc Reactor replica using mostly dollar store goods.
The light source is an LED disk light that was removed from its enclosure. A sink strainer, the plastic holder from a package of sewing pins, and some wire mesh go together to make the first layer of the bezel. The push-pin holder is what has the ring of narrow rectangles around the bright center. It was painted black and attached to the sink strainer which provides the concentric holes in the center of the device.
For the detail around the outside [James] went with some clear-plastic drinking cups. By cutting off the top centimeter of each and stacking three together he gets the clear base he was after. The rest of the parts were gathered from his electronics supplies. DIP sockets straddle the drinking glass rims, and are wound with copper wire for the look seen here.
We put this near the top of the dollar store builds along with this Blade Runner umbrella.
I have respect and admiration for people who manage to build good looking things, in particular with non-expensive material. Congrats!
Built with a box of scraps, for added movie accuracy.
And it’s one of the better-looking arc reactors I’ve seen, too.
I bet he also made it in a cave!
Bah, MacGyver would have used the same items to build a household robot that will fetch him his slippers and bring the trash out…
Just kidding :-) Great work!
Love it! MOAR dollar tree builds please HaD. Nice job to the builder! The sink strainer produces a neat effect and the overall build looks great. Keep on tinkering :)