Nyan Cat: The PlayStation Game

We’d bet you didn’t know there was a Nyan Cat game for the original PlayStation. Well, there wasn’t one until very recently. This isn’t a title that has been licensed by Sony, and we bet you won’t spend hours playing such a thing. But the concept has let [Haunted] hone his development skills.

We’re not certain how he’s getting around the copy protection for PSX games, but we know there are a few different exploits out there. If you happen to have your own method playing homebrew games you can even download the bin/cue files to try this out for yourself.

After the break you can watch a demo clip of the game. It boots like normal until you hit a black screen with white text which displays a loading percentage. This is followed closely by the rainbow spewing feline pastry. The sound takes a minute to play but you can be sure it’s there. Currently there’s no scoring system but that’s in the works for a future revision.

26 thoughts on “Nyan Cat: The PlayStation Game

  1. Hah! Nice, glad to see someone is still carrying the torch for PSX dev! I learned C on the PSX, used to dev with a group of guys under the name PlayNation. Think there’s still a few demo’s floating around online? Me and one of the guys made a Peanut Butter Jelly Time demo.

    I have to wonder on the legality of the website he gives the URL of during the loading screen – has full downloads of PSY-Q SDK + docs, also the Net Yaroze SDK, in case anyone is looking to dust off their old PS1

  2. He is “heading” the PSIO Team. Meaning he recruited talent and bad mouthed anyone who dared to criticize the work.

    He has a very nasty habit of “quitting” websites in a fit due to his age.

  3. isnt the protection easily bypassed by loading an original game, and swapping the cd precisely after psx logo? I thought this was easily done with a spring assist on tray button.. maybe it was with action replay… so foggy are these memories..

    1. The swap trick worked, but was sketchy. Only worked sometimes (have to get the timing just right) and you stood a good chance of damaging the mechanical gubbins of the console if performed too frequently.

      Modchips were cheap and easy install, although a tiny bit of soldering skill was required.

      1. swap trick only worked relyably in gen 1 psx
        gen 2 sort of fixed it
        gen 3+ was nearly impossible
        with the release of the gameshark CDX
        it became as easy as a gen 1 playstation with cheats enabled
        there was also the rare “plugmods” that plugged into the back of the psx through the weird long black paralel port(gamesharks used it too as well as the psx modem for multiplayer through phone line, i forget what it was called, VERY few games used it) back then, game developers allowed multiple people to play on 1 system and 1 tv instead of forcing everyone to have a seperate ps3, tv, net connection, etc, to play multiplayer) which was removed from the back of the psx around gen 3 or 4, same time they went from standard rca ports to their propriotary connector
        ironically, i never spent the ~$20 on a mod chip

  4. It’s just some lame demo even badly programmed and with huge chunks of garbage data in order to make the ISO way bigger than it should ever be. The scene is pretty much dead and this is proof of that.

      1. Garbage data doesn’t mean padding in this case. I was referring to the audio track being there with a 29 minute loop (even poorly executed) when it could have been done smaller and even compressed with XA. That’s why I call it ‘garbage’, because it stinks.

  5. Actually, the scene has been quite busy porting Nyan Cat to various obscure platforms. Everything from Atari 2600, Sharp MZ-700, Amstrad CPC etc. up to Nintendo Wii :)

    This was in 2011 though – in 2012 Nyan Cat prods will only receive thumbups if done for really obscure hardware like the Panasonic JR-200UP.
    Most of the ones linked (and findable via the search on pouet) have video captures, if you’re curious. But I agree, this port is crappy.

  6. Agreed. This is a poorly programmed demo.
    But the scene isn?t dead, it is just really really quiet? I am the author of the PSXSDK, a free and open source SDK for the PlayStation, which you can get at http://code.google.com/p/psxsdk

    The homebrew I wrote or ported can be likewise be found at http://code.google.com/p/psxbrew. Yes, I made even the svgalib game ZBlast run on the PlayStation. :)

    The 2D part of the SDK is almost complete but memory card support is broken and 3D support is almost non existing. This is a hobby project, and I am also an university student so I don?t have a lot of time to give to the project. But, and this is the important part, ANYONE can improve on it and release improved versions of it.

      1. Makes me even wonder if you have an idea of what it means to write an SDK. Just because PSXSDK is not as complete as Psy-Q it doesn’t mean it has poor code or it’s useless. But hey, self-proclaimed legends all the way!

        1. Well, to me the scene, just like the demoscene is still alive and kicking. What I hope is that “we” who know the ps1 will introduce “kids” these days to “Make yourself” a game/demo/app/whatever. Not by making tutorials that easy, but by making stuff ourselves and share, especially share info on how, what and sometimes why.

          I cant prove im a ps1 coder, but I like to learn. So even this guy makes “another” nyan cat demo, and he is sometimes quit a website, or making a scene(or cause of) its stil awesome people react and showing what they are doing (most of them more awesome then others). So, create, share and love what you do.

  7. Agreed. This is a poorly programmed demo.
    But the scene isn?t dead, it is just really really quiet? I am the author of the PSXSDK, a free and open source SDK for the PlayStation, which you can get at http://code.google.com/p/psxsdk

    The homebrew I wrote or ported can be likewise be found at http://code.google.com/p/psxbrew. Yes, I made even the svgalib game ZBlast run on the PlayStation. :)

    The 2D part of the SDK is almost complete but memory card support is broken and 3D support is almost non existing. This is a hobby project, and I am also an university student so I don?t have a lot of time to give to the project. But, and this is the important part, ANYONE can improve on it and release improved versions of it.

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