Here’s an enclosure which was designed with OpenSCAD and cut out on a CNC router. [Matthew Venn] wrote about the project because he sees tons of 3D printing hacks that use the software, but almost never hears about it as a tool for laser cutting or CNC router/mill work. When we read that we thought we must have seen a lot of 2D hacks but a search of Hackaday’s previous offerings proved us wrong. Just this week we heard about the software in use with the Makerbot. Or you could go back about a year and read about creating 3D molds. But nothing on 2D work.
His post is a quick read and shows off the bare bones of the case designs he’s been working with for a few years. By referencing the code itself, and playing with how it changes the render in OpenSCAD he makes a strong case for quick and easy enclosure design. If you use this technique make sure to document your experience because we want to hear about it!
I’m doing the same thing, actually. I’m designing a storage box in 3D space to be laid out in 2D and laser cut out of hardwood ply. This same article was mentioned to me earlier in the week and I found it super helpful. His example code is great.
I used openscad to design the core of my cyclekart steering wheel which I used a cnc plasma cutter to cut out of 1/4th inch aluminum plate.
Cyclekart pics here:
Which program do you use for make gcode from your models drowed in OpenSCAD ?
i need it because i use EMC2 to control my 3 axis cnc mill.
I actually use pycam :
That’s what I use too.
Me2 (Fablab Amersfoort)
Full 3D printer with 3D printed parts, mechanical parts, and lasercut parts in OpenSCAD:
I hope to finish it soon and do a proper write up.
*waves* Hello Mr Venn :D
Again you are up to awesome I see. :D
TheHypnotist from LHS :P.
Inspired by Daid, I also did a few 2D designs in OpenSCAD:
I collected some tips:
But for paper/cardboard purposes it really misses 2D line (non solids) support:
I’m still looking for solutions.
Hi, What acrilic did you use? It seems some kind of fake mirrror?