[Codeninja] has been sending us some great hacks over the years, and we’ve just learned that his attention has been on building wearable computers lately! He’s currently on his third iteration of a Google Glass-like prototype, which features a motorized element which allows for the retraction of the screen.
There’s not too much info on his blog about them, but we do know he’s using a Raspberry Pi, a few small servos, and a pico LCD screen. Most of the frame is 3D printed, and it also features a hidden camera, accelerometers, and a few environmental sensors.
He’s uploaded an animated gif of the mechanism that moves the display away from his eye, and it looks straight out of some science fiction movie — check it out after break!
His first foray into wearable computers was back in 2005, when he made a real-life Tron game. We’re surprised we haven’t covered it before!
We’re excited to see his next prototype which he plans on making much smaller, sleeker, and sexier. We believe him too — after all, he did bring us the RFID Terminator Gun years ago!
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
We are the Canadian Borg. Resistance would be impolite. Please wait to be assimilated.
Pour l’assimilation en Francais, veuillez appuyer le “2”…
That ^ hahahahahahaha ici jajajajajajajajajaj
We are the Austraaaalian Borg. You call that assimilation??? We’ll show ya assimilation!!!
seems like he needs a counter balance on the glasses to keep from tilting to one side
Because nothing says you’re a geek quite like some tape on your glasses.
why do you guys keep adding things to articles?
nobody said it was like google glass – and thats because it isn’t!
I guess if you say google glass enough times you get some hits and revenue from search engines results or something? pathetic.
We wrote the summary of the article — we chose to include the likeness to Google Glass, we’re not “adding” anything to the article. They’re both wearable computers, mounted on glasses. One is see-through, one is not. They’re still quite similar.
Would you prefer we compared it to the Oculus rift? No, that would be silly.
Maybe they’re more like this?
Why is that kid giving me the finger?
what exactly would constitute “like google glass” if this single-eye, sometimes-on, head-mounted, computer-you-can-wear doesn’t count as like google glass?
google ‘glass’ is google ‘glass’ becuase its ‘glass’
i.e. you can see through it
also, ‘sometimes on’ is unrelated to google tracker
That’s actually No-Glasses… :-)
Nice hack.
I might just skip the Google Glass hype and go straight to Polarized Contact lenses ala: http://innovega-inc.com/new-architecture.php
Contact Lenses with Glasses that have dual Transparant OLed screens thats the future, but for starters I’ll take Polarized Contact Lenses and a all in one Gaming Helmet ( 10″ HD curved screen 2″ from your face )
I don’t think I understand the difference… Either way, you’re only able to see when the display is turned on, and you’ll have a display the exact size of… The display. One limits that to a rather small size, but is transparent, the other gives you a larger size (and I suppose it could be configured to only turn on specific areas of the screen), but that display isn’t transparent when displaying information (again, it could easily have transparent areaa), AND you have to wear special contact?? Meh.
If I’m missing something, please fill me in. This area of research is very interesting to me.
Retracting the screen is genius, I love it!
Also one idea I had to increase resolution is to use a frame doubler and additional passive unpolarised LCD in front of the panel to shift it up and down by 1 pixel.
I’d like to know where to source the pico lcd.
These things worry me…remember the Opti-grab?
I think the screen would look better if it swung out to the side, rather than upwards. As if it was “opening”. Just have it swing left an inch or two so it’s out of the wearer’s sight. For the few occasions where you’d want to use your weak fleshy eye to look.
I love the part about “hidden camera.” You could tape an old Polaroid on there and it wouldn’t stand out too much from what’s already there. lol
I wonder if he can actually see anything on that screen
The one useful thing it does is get warm.
If this prevents the glass misting up in cold and damp weather then Google might be on to a winner. It would help of course if they left out the camera and computer (which waste energy that could be used for its most important function) and sold it for 50 quid