Welcome back to the conclusion of our interview on Mill CPU architecture with [Ivan Godard]. If you missed yesterday’s offering you can watch the preview video or go back and read the original article. Above is the third part, with the final installment found after the break.
We’d like to address some concerns from the comments of yesterday’s post. Several readers noted that Mill is only in the simulation phase. [Ivan] is very up-front about that… there is no silicon. But that doesn’t mean we should disregard a company that looks to build on successes from the current generation of processors while avoiding their drawbacks. It is incredibly costly to design silicon from scratch. This is why we don’t see new architectures sprouting up on a monthly basis.
We simply think it’s exciting to see what kinds of changes may be coming and how designers plan to accomplish advances in processing power while reducing power consumption at the same time.
Wasn’t this mill CPU thing pretty thoroughly debunked when it came up on Slashdot about a year ago?
rings a bell. I don’t suppose you have the link to the slash article do you?
There was this (http://tech.slashdot.org/story/12/12/04/1748232/toward-an-fsf-endorsable-embedded-processor) but that was a post from some jackass (lckl) who provided no technical details about some idiotic project he’s been working on for years now. If you watch some of the videos over the Mill you’ll see that these guys have some idea of what they’re doing.
No the lckl project has turned into libreSOC, and it looking at taping out the first iteration by end of the year. Different projects for sure, though there are some interesting threads between Goddard and lckl on comp.arch.
Wow, who knew Jesus was into CPU architecture?
This all sounds promising, but these interviews make me hesitate to say that it’ll go anywhere. The business side of this will make or break it. I hope it works out.
Again, let me know when its at least been synthesized into a particular technology node. I’ve seen too many “revolutionary” processors that can’t even run at their specs at the latest tech node.
What do you mean I can’t do a decoder in 10 levels at 1 cycle at 1ghz? wahhh!
Anything runs in simulation..anything runs in RTL.
Which doesn’t mean that his effort falls in “whatever” class.
He seems to have thought about production gotchas from the start.
And he is just showig the stuff as it is in the boundaries of patent pending obligations.
A patents go through, we will learn more. It’s not like visitors had to pay some admission fees or were forced to plunge some $$$ for it…