[Sisam] and [Mclien] are a father and son team that built this sculptural room with an organic looking built-in seating area and sculpted lamp shades. When you have a room that looks this cool, the only option you have is to fill it with RGB LEDs, and it just so happens their light controller has a great Hackaday Easter egg.
The room lighting is provided by a Shifty VU shield, OctoBar LED controller, and a few of these RGB LED modules. All pretty standard for an RGB LED project, but where this contest submission really shines is the controller for all the room lights. It has three sliders for the red, green, and blue channels, beefy toggle switches for each light location, an LCD for showing the program mode, a rotary switch, and push buttons for cycling through stored setups.
The Easter egg for this project comes into play whenever the color value of the lights is set to Hackaday green, #00c100. When that happens, the Hackaday URL is displayed on the controller’s display.
Awesome work, and a really cool-looking room. We wouldn’t mind a tutorial on how you sculpted it, [Sisam].
This is an entry in the Fubarino Contest for a chance at one of the 20 Fubarino SD boards which Microchip has put up as prizes!
I would prefer less emphasis on you HackaDay and your projects .I would like you to move back to a reporting posture on electrical and computer hacks rather than a participant
Hackady have a blurry line of concept and it is importand that they walk all this. Even if it is not my taste or I do not share all their interests. I like to be influenced by a wide range of concepts. Anything else is possible to ignore.
In case you missed it Jessie Wan, hackaday was recently purchased by “corporate overlords” and the only product they are really marketing right now is their brand. It’s very important to promote this brand. Business as usual.
Err Yep thats exactly what I meant . There is an opening for “TwoHacksADay” for someone adventurous . I’ll be watching for them.
Any info on how the walls where made?
Well, we are quite occupied with the rest of our house (only the two rooms of the kids are sort of finished). But we’ll try to do some more documentation on this and give a hint to HaD as soon, as there is some more information.
Meanwhile you can have a look on the blog of this guy (who is the one, which teaches us how to do it):
(only in german language, sorry)
If you happen to live in or near germany you can contact him, if you like to do a project with him.
This website is not available…