Building a MAME machine around a Raspberry Pi has been the standard build for years now, and tiny versions of full-sized arcade machines have gone from curiosity to commonplace. [
The entire enclosure is 3D printed, and most of the electronics are exactly what you would expect: A Raspberry Pi, 2.5″ LCD, and a battery-powered speaker takes up most of the BOM. Where this build gets interesting is the buttons and joystick: after what we’re sure was a crazy amount of googling, [diygizmo] found something that looks like a normal arcade joystick, only smaller. Unable to find a suitable replacement for arcade buttons, [diygizmo] just printed their own, tucked a tact switch behind the plastic, and wired everything up.
Add in some decals, paint, and the same techniques used to create plastic model miniatures, and you have a perfect representation of a miniature arcade machine.
Very nicely done!
what is this a mame cabinet for ants….
I like it and very nicely done
$15 for the Joystick? wow.
Yeah, and 93.50 for the 3D printed cabinet…….
Cost is no object at this level. This is a labor of love (or brief insanity, or both… I’m not unfamiliar with such things). Most impressive!
That’s friggin awesome! I love it. :D That joystick though…jeez! As the owner of a full-size cabinet (A NEO-GEO 4-slot) I can tell you that stick almost costs as much as TWO actual arcade sticks… That’s just crazy. :(
After having 3D printed the buttons (Which are BRILLIANT, btw!), why not go a similar route with the stick? I’ve seen miniature cabinet builds where the stick was just some manner of lever surrounded by four microswitches at right-angles…which is really all the real thing is, but with bigger parts.
Woo yeah Neo Geo! :D I have an MVS system, but it’s not a huge cabinet, it’s a console with some fancy joysticks that hooks up to the TV. I prefer that, for some reason.
One of these days, I’m going make a bunch of MVS consoles… Really slick ones though… With real enclosures that make it look a commercial console. That would be hella cool.
Six years ago, I picked up a lot of 8 ‘non-working’ single slot boards on eBay from a guy in Mexico. Worked out to around $7 a piece, and most of them just need the SRAM replaced. (Which I have the chips for.) Two of the boards even turned out to work, one w/o sound, and one with bad volume control. When it took the guy like two extra weeks to ship the package, he threw in a ninth board, and KoF’97.
What is this product placement! Is HaD in bed with the Coca Cola company now!? Help, help, I’m being oppressed!
The batteries to run the Mini-MAME are stuffed inside the Coke Can…
(Everybody knows The Evil Overlords prefer Royal Crown Cola SHEESH!) B^)
I think I wept a little when I went through the build :) That’s just outstanding!
Any thoughts on why the cabinet is so expensive? It would be just the thing for the miniature Polybius cabinet I want to make…
Because the author can chose his own price on Shapeways and that is what he chose to charge for it. It is his design and store on Shapeways.
I’ve noticed most things on Shapeways are way overpriced. I’ve never attempted to sell anything there, so a huge chunk of that may be Shapeways piece of the pie.
Nice to see somebody else with Polybius! Not many people ever played that. Which romset have you got? I only have the 0.93 set :(
Very clean and pro looking build.