Our next Collabatorium is just around the corner. On Wednesday we’ll open up the Hacker Channel for another action-packed discussion on what you’re building. Show your work, see what others are doing, ask for help, offer your skills, and more. It all begins at 19:00 CET (UTC+2).
All are welcome but you need to be added as a collaborator on the Hackaday Prize Hacker Channel. Go there now and click the “Request to join this project” link on the bottom of the left sidebar.
We had a blast last week with a huge mass of hackers hanging out in our virtual hackerspace. This week we’re changing up the time zones so that hackers in different parts of the world may take part. If you’re in Europe, this should be late enough that the work day done. Make sure to drop in and represent the hacker community in your part of the world. See you on Wednesday!
Typo on Wednesday in title?
You must be new here.
My right hand is faster than my left? Fixed, thanks.
Math is not my strong suit. Am I correct in thinking that this will take place at 13:00 hours (1pm) Eastern Daylight Time?
You are correct, and there’s a web hack available too which will help you with with a countdown timer: http://lazyengineers.com/HAD.html
what a fresh lump of stupidiculositinessation