Hackaday SuperConference Call For Proposal

We’ve been keeping pretty quiet about the Hackaday SuperConference, but rest assured a full-blown announcement is on the way soon. For now we need your help getting the word out to presenters. Do you have a favorite hardware designer, hacker, or project? Get to work convincing them to Submit a Talk or Workshop proposal for the Hackaday SuperConference. Of course if you yourself fall into one of these categories, consider this your invitation to submit! Proposals are due October 10th.

The Hackaday SuperConference is the hardware con you’ve been waiting for. The two-day event will be held in San Francisco on November 14th and 15th. It features workshops and talks on hardware creation with topics like hardware engineering, creativity in technical design, product design, and prototyping. The winner of the 2015 Hackaday Prize, Best Product, and runners-up will be announced at the SuperCon.

The 2015 Hackaday Prize is sponsored by:

12 thoughts on “Hackaday SuperConference Call For Proposal

  1. I’m excited for this conference and the possibility of how it may grow in coming years.

    Awesome as the many Maker Faires are, they’re fundamentally about exhibiting to the public, rather than us makers connecting and collaborating with each other. Especially as hours and crowds have expanded, it seems there’s less and less time for us to do much more than entertain the general public & their children. The sky-high sponsor fees seem to have caused notable absence of awesome maker-oriented companies like Sparkfun, Adafruit and many other smaller makers trying to start up businesses, replaced by huge corporations who staff their booths with slick marketing people and student interns.

    Hand-ons workshops, by makers, for makers, about hardware, with an explicit goal to not have it turn into sales pitches sounds really amazing. Obviously Hackaday & Supplyframe have to make money, and it sounds like they’ve got a sane plan. I put in my proposal, for a hands-on advanced audio on microcontrollers workshop, because I really want to see this succeed and turn into something really great for the maker community.

  2. I really hate to second guess those trying to get thugs done, but this seems like a rushed project that could bite the future of the conference in the ass. The date of this posting is 10/4/2015, with a due date of 10/10/2015, and barely a month to prepare. While I wouldn’t be be preparing a presentation, I only read of this on the morning of 10//6/ 2015 because I don’t read Hackaday blog religiously first thing in the morning, no doubt many of those being solicited have a similar SOP. No doubt there are amateur groups of many stripes have presentations in the can they can give presentation at such a short notice. Most likely the majority of entities that can do this in a short notice are those “huge corporations who staff their booths with slick marketing people and student interns” another commenter mentioned, assuming they would even apply to participate. In the end I do hope that this conference satisfies a good majority of participants so it stands a good chance of becoming an annual conference.

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