Plovdiv, Bulgaria has a long history of design and innovation going back at least 6000 years to cultures like the Thracians, Celts, and Romans. In the last decade it is also an important center for open hardware innovation — reviving the lost glory of the computer hardware industry from the former “Soviet bloc countries”. One of the companies in the region that has thrived is a 5000 square-meter microelectronics factory which you may have heard of before: Olimex.
Olimex has over 25 years of experience in designing, prototyping, and manufacturing printed circuit boards, components, and complete electronic products. Over the last decade it has evolved into a shining example of an open hardware company. We recently had the chance to visited Olimex and to meet its CEO, Tsvetan Usunov.

When our driver arrived to pick us up, we asked, “Who actually is Olimex?” and were pleasantly surprised with the response: “I’m Olimex”. It was an interesting way to meet the head of a company, but it gave us a fast introduction to his personal philosophy. Tsvetan Usunov always wanted to do what he enjoys: developing hardware. Business was never his main goal.
Tsvetan has a history of going against the flow and taking risks. The name he gave to the company “Olimex” in 1991 has a deeper meaning, one that echoes the social and political changes in Bulgaria after the collapse of communism in Eastern and Central Europe destroyed its rather inefficient manufacturing sector. Tsvetan was just finishing Technical University in Plovdiv when the fall of communism exposed all the ills of centrally planned economy and industry:
All my friends were disenchanted with the prospect of some engineering jobs in a collapsing economy and decided to start various import-export businesses. From a country producing computers and being in many ways self-sufficient, Bulgaria became a country heavily dependent on imports without any production, falling even more into poverty. I started to joke with my friends at the university, who were massively leaving their expertise in microelectronics to become salesmen in the “buy cheap sell, expensive” economy, and I called my company “All-import-export”. The word “Allimex” was difficult for the post office personnel to write down because Bulgarian is a phonetic language and people write the sounds they hear, which led to the change of the name into the present “Olimex”.
Olimex is a buzzing hardware manufacturing paradise with pick and place machines, reflow ovens, and optical inspection rigs. The infrastructure and the 40 person team support a motivated local and international network of hardware developers interested in building and using an affordable and open “mini-computer” called OLinuXino. But the company was very different when it began.
Tsvetan started Olimex in 1991, developing and manufacturing for companies in the Turkish market. They needed a reliable manufacturer to produce boards for kitchen appliances. Tsvetan purchased land and buildings from a furniture hinge factory which had begun to collapse to use as his factory. In the early 2000, when the whole market changed and moved to China, Tsvetan transformed his business-to-business model to serve more niche customers.
His new focus became development boards. Traditionally these would be sold to only hardware developers, but at the time open hardware was just starting to grow. Many new customers, from software professionals interested in hardware to industrial designers to general enthusiasts, would be buying development boards. As his business grew, so did the footprint of Olimex.
In the present Olimex is recognized as an approved Third Party Hardware Developer by many leading companies including Texas Istruments, Maxim Integrated, Atmel, Philips Semiconductors, and ST Microelectronics. Olimex has over 30,000 active customer accounts and their Linux DIY computers and boards feed various from IoT projects, ATM cash machines, and are used even by car manufacturers.
Open Hardware
The open hardware model for Tsvetan means more than just publishing the final designs. He is interested in having a continuous conversation with his peers from the start of the project. This forms a “participatory and collaborative design” and it leads to a better product.
Olimex keeps a very active GitHub page. This extends to the CAD files which are available in pre-fab stages before any hardware revision is out. Tsvetan mentions this is considered a big no-no in the crowdfunding circles, and often other supposedly open hardware projects sometimes choose a policy of ‘CAD will be available when the first batch of products are shipped’. Olimex has directly benefited from sharing early, as community members sometimes catch bugs that can be fixed before going to production.
Inspired by the Exclusivity of Raspberry Pi
OSHW became a mission for Tsvetan back in 2012 when he wanted to see and work with the newly announced Raspberry Pi computer (RPi). He describes the scene at the Farnell distributor booth when the RPI foundation showed just two boards and promised to ship them in 16 weeks. This biggest event in embedded technology became a disappointment for him: he was a board manufacturer but couldn’t actually source the Broadcom chips found on the RPis and couldn’t iterate on the original design.

He decided to create a truly open source Linux mini-computer, which would be cheap, fast, and most importantly, producible anywhere around the world. The result is called “Lime” as a response to RPi. The “fruit” board wars are still ongoing. While the idea of DIY Linux computer-on-board started out from frustration, the individual steps in building it are all small and useful lessons in how to balance pricing, scalability and design and involve the community in the process:
I started by selecting the right processor as a replacement to RPi BGA, which is hard to solder and virtual impossible to source in the open markets, and my first choice was Freescale iMX233 TQFP package. This led to several Micro, Nano, Mini and Maxi boards that run Arch and Debian Linux with Kernel 3.13. Sharing the designs from the right start proved to be the right idea because it involved people from countries with strict import procedures, especially Brazil and Russian, who printed the board and tested the design to spot the issues and took part in the improvement. The motivation for them were mainly the difficulties in importing electronic products and components, which makes DIY, locally produced boards the only way.
The original board had a modest specification of 64 Mb of RAM, 454 MHz and it was slow in comparison to the RPi. This led to the next decision to switch to Allwinner’s A13 processor, which is four times faster and utilizes Cortex A8 and Micro WiFi. It was still not the fastest processor, but a good compromise with only 176 solder pads. The next challenge was to create something even better than the RPi, particularly focusing on energy efficiency. This led to the Allwinner A20 processor which is a dual core, 1GHz chip that he paired with 1GB of RAM. The price wars RPi was officially announced by calling this board the OLinuXino Lime.
The whole story is captured in one of Tsvetan’s talks at the FOSDEM conference last year where he explains how between February 2012 and the beginning of 2014 there were 14 different OlinuXino boards ranging in price from 20 to 60 Euros. It has helped many people learned the skills necessary to use Linux.
The future plan is to further optimize the price, speed, and availability of OlinuXino. Tsvetan is not worried about the availability of the chips since he developed good relations with the Chinese company Allwinner whose main market is tablets.
Community Involvement
Olimex has already done a lot to support a community interested in designing and building electronics. They have a growing online community of developers and designers with weekly challenges and an active social media presence. Locally, they organize monthly meetings in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, where people come to show, discuss or collaborate on various hardware projects. They host a two month summer camp in which anyone can test the latest boards and start more serious OSHW projects. There is also an annual free and open-source software (and hardware) conference called TuxCom held at Olimex for mobile, embedded and wearable devices. This is modelled after FOSDEM, the main European all-things-open conference.

The open hardware events in Plovdiv often take place in the local hackafe, Hackerspace, which is just walking distance from the preserved ancient Roman theatre and the ruins of a Roman stadium beautifully integrated in a lively walking avenue.
That Plovdiv is becoming one of the world leaders in open hardware innovation and even innovation in manufacturing should not surprise us. Many ex-communist countries had very good engineering programs and also a thriving tinkering culture, partially because it was difficult to buy consumer goods and easier to DIY with neighbors and other enthusiasts. The OSHW and maker culture are embedded in the culture and there is even a museum dedicated to tinkering in Polna, Czech Republic, whose motto says “What tinkerers achieved in a totalitarian regime”. The “solutions” we see there resemble some of the present “makers projects”, such as the DIY satellite dishes, funny prototypes of an anti-migraine electronic kit, and loudspeakers made out of beer barrels.
The next stage for Olimex and Tsvetan is to support more education and grow the community locally, because they still seem to be known more abroad than at home. This year they supported OpenFest with a SMD PCB assembly workshop to teach kids how to make a binary watch, but there is still a lot to do. One big advantage of Plovdiv are the nearby Rhodopi mountains, which are not only beautiful, but also metaphorically important as the magical birthplace of Orpheus. This legendary musician and poet from the Greek myths was famous for his songs, which could allure “the trees, the savage animals, and even the insensate rocks, to follow him” according to Ovid. In many ways this should be the goal of the “artistic” OSHW movement and its embedded devices, which are also trying to give voice and sense to things and the world around and connect the worlds of humans and machines.

Denisa Kera (CZ, SG) is a philosopher and designer exploring prototypes as tools of ontological disobedience. In her day job as an academic she follows how open hardware supports open and citizen science advocacy, especially in the Global South. She is a member of Brmlab hackerspace in Prague.
Yair Reshef (IL) is an art technologist by trade, supplier and fabricator of rare and made-to-order hardware and software – electronics, optics, robotics, and other curiosities. He is currently working on TAMI attiny, a cheap(est) dev board at Tel Aviv Makerspace.
Bulgaria? History?? 6000 years ago??? Thracians, Celts, and Romans??
What does Bulgaria has to do with all of these except being in the same region, except of course Thracians which were moure south, in Greece.
How can you connect vast empires with Bulgarian “design and innovation”?
Some of this new hackaday style is a joke.
Are you from Macedonia, this will explain a lot :D
Plovdiv was formerly called Philipopolis, after Philip of Macedon. Does that help? :)
True Macedonians = ancient Greeks.
2016 “Macedonians” = Slavs that needed some history and stole a name.
Now whine all you want
I have no horse in this race. Just being facetious.
I think the parallel is Bulgaria has been part of those empires/groups and the innovation from these empires may have influenced the people. They were interesting tidbits to open the article, I don’t think it took anything away.
If I’m not mistaken, the article says that Plovdiv has a long history of innovation, not Bulgaria. The fact that Plovdiv currently resides in Bulgaria is secondary to the point.
aaand we just found the guy from plovdiv…
Clearly you have not see the Magura cave drawings, which show a man carrying a laptop computer under his arm.
How to convert a good article about a very good open hardware company into a superficial history debate. Quite sad!
Nice informative article about Olimex though.
I used an Olimex PIC-WEB a few years back for a home automation project. Ended up costing half the price of an arduino + ethernet shield, and I got to learn PIC to boot! Great support too.
haha Yes! George, I think he is from Macedonia :)
Nice people there and good/cheap products in a true Open Hardware spirit!
And very willing to haggle! if you’re in the region and buying let me know and I could probably get the price knocked down to a few bottles of rakia :P
seriously though, nice to see stories about good things in my country, moved away when I was young and it’s just been to volatile to even consider moving/living there.
Great article, Olimex hardware rocks and they’re generally pretty good about opening their designs and supplying not just gerbers but source files too.
What’s the correct pronunciation of Plovdiv? Ploff-diff?
I would say “Plovdiv”
Being a phonetic language, if it was pronounced “ploff”, they would have written it as Плоф
The second “v” does really sound like an “f” (like the “ph” ih “phase”), but the first one sounds like hard “v” (like in virgin).
<3 Olimex along with all companies who offer commercial products that are properly open. I used one of their iMX-233 boards to simulate an 8-bit computer around a real 6502.
I live in Plovdiv. Where can I buy Olimex products?
You can give them a call also, I think they have a store somewhere in “The Trap” (“Капана”)
Pay-as-received. I’m really impressed by the quality of OLinuXino A20.
Keep the good work guys!
The article is interesting thanks, the note at the beggining is just funny, to link so ancient cultures in such a simplistic manner, but overall is an article worth to read, we all know Olimex.
Bulgaria is a great place. Add it to your list.
I’ve read the history of the city. I find no valid scientific research substantiating 6,000 years of continued habitation by humans. The last ice age THAW (I said thaw now – that means the end of that age!) would disprove that theory. Also what Carbon Dating was done and by whom?
Since the US Navy’s Dr. Ballard has substantiated a large deluge near the Black Sea that may have stretched to unbelievable proportions some 4ky ago, it is likely they did not predate this catastrophe. If you try and relegate them to Plato’s mythological culture from Timaeus legend then that would be a HUGE STRETCH. If you were to say that they started sometime after 2370 BCE (long after) it might be more believable. The oldest city in the world is arguably Nineveh in Iraq (near Mosul), but it is not inhabited any more for many centuries now.
Bulgaria, as many ex-Soviet Bloc nations, are very proud of themselves and tend to show it to the world (i.e. BlackHats, etc.). I know Bulgaria is just the new kid on the block with Plovdiv (and it’s other names) as it was part of so many other empires throughout antiquity. I respect their pride but we need to keep things in perspective. There are others that would say Plovdiv is only #6 in that count. That would be the people of Syria and Greece, who arguably predate Plovdiv.
I’m a Yank so I have no dog in that fight either! :P
Well, you are spot on with the remark about the national pride of ex-soviet bloc nations, and surely Bulgarians in particular can be very annoying with all the “we invented the computer, bitch” nonsense, but in particular to your statement that there is no valid scientific research indicating 6000 years of habitation – here are some of the exhibits in the Plovdiv Archeological Museum:
@Boris Lazarov – I do not disagree that there were people/culture/etc in the location known as Plovdiv today. HOWEVER, those people existed from 2371 BCE back to sometime after 4026 BCE. And those people (aka Antediluvian) suffered a mass extinction event in 2370 BCE. No one survived that event on Earth except a very small subset of survivors in the upper Mesopotamian valley area near Mt Ararat.
Therefore that would mean that the people of Plovdiv are a genetic progeny of that small subset of human survivors MANY centuries later. Plovdiv is not that far away from that area too. Radiocarbon dating is NOT an exact science. It is faulty past 5,000 years per it’s own inventor. And many people do it wrong. Case in point an ancient city in northern Iraq has the totally wrong dating putting it at 6,000 years old. So called ancient Egypt is in fact dated wrong too. The so-called ANCIENT 1st dynasty Egyptians were not even Egyptian. They too were Antediluvian.
Some ancient locations in north and south America are not even Native American as presently thought. They too were Antediluvian. Our planet was full of people before 2370 BCE and surprisingly more sophisticated than presently thought by science today. They were not brutish looking dullard-looking cave men with clubs as incorrectly depicted in today’s museums. Plato may have identified them by accident who those people really were in his writings based on Solon’s tales from Egypt in the Timaeus and Critias.
There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy… – William Shakespeare
Fuck Israel.
Hmmmm… OK fine. But what does Israel have to do with the subject we are talking about (Plovdiv Bulgaria)? Oh sorry you are a benighted soul from the Internets. Spend much time on YouTube and Reddit? No really please expand your answer and share your political pain with us – and we all gain understanding from the sharing. We need to be educated on your thought processes. Any “fornicate [sic] me” is not what we are looking for here… serious DIALOG.
F_u_c_k > I_s_r_a_e_l :)
what’s the guy at the end smoking
I noted that they have an open source hardware laptop in development. It is built around Allwinner’s A64, a quad core 64-bit Cortex-A53 processor. More details can be found in their blog: