Nitro Powered Rotary Tool

We really don’t know if the world needs it but we’re sure glad [johnnyq90] took the time to build one. We’re talking about a nitro powered rotary tool. Based on a Kyosho GX-12 nitro engine, commonly used in R/C cars, [johnnyq90] machines almost all other parts in his shop to make a really cool ‘Nitro-Dremel’. But success didn’t come at the first try.

The first prototype was made using a COX 049 engine but the lack of proper lubrication cause damage to the crankshaft. Because of this setback, [johnnyq90] swaps it out with a O.S Max 10 Aero engine he had lying around in the shop. That didn’t work out so well as the engine was quite hard to start. On the third try he finally decided to use the 2.1 cc Kyosho GX-12 engine to power up his 20.000 rpm tool. As noisy as one would expect and, from the videos it seems quite powerful too as it easily pierces through an aluminium block, cuts steel like a breeze, and breezes through other less demanding feats.

But [johnnyq90] is no stranger to nitro engines nor to Hackaday. In the past he built, among other things, a nitro powered cordless drill and showed impressive feats of machining in a micro version of a Tesla turbine. We wonder what’s next…. a nitro powered tattoo gun perhaps?

In the 20 minute video after the break, we enjoy watching the construction of the ‘Nitro-Dremel’, as well as other parts from two previously failed prototypes:

[via Popular Mechanics]

26 thoughts on “Nitro Powered Rotary Tool

  1. TL;DR:
    That’s it!!! I’m binning my Fire-drill!!!!


    Long story:
    I saw the title, not even yet read any of the article. This just blew my fire-drill gag-video idea out of the water (Nuclear strength blew my idea away)… Insane but yet at the same time: practical, this rotary tool project certainly is.

    I’d use such a thing out and about where there are no power sources… If some speed implementation could be incorporated. I can see a future of Dremel (and clones) becoming more petrol (or Ether) to complement, say, Li-ION powered Dremels for those who need that little extra boost in performance (Expect more shattered disks and make sure SAFETY FIRST of course)

      1. Ah, cool… Gotta make myself one…

        P.S. If my above comment earlier made little sense at times:
        I had to scoff down food in 5 mins and type whilst still hungry (morning 10-min break, with a few minutes wasted getting to the eating area)

        1. Finally had time to watch the video….

          Hmm… A UK spinoff “Harbor Freight” drill that I was gonna burn with a flame-thrower-conversion show of self destruction and call it a Fire-drill…

          Well now I know a lathe will be handy for most things……

          That is why HackADay “IS My internet (TM)”

          Things like this are a good spark to the imagination and seems to always happen just before a stupid idea is carried out…

  2. Funny idea and cool looking execution. But if i would need a rotary tool out in the wild or on the road, i’d probably prefer to use a small (quiet) gas powered AC generator and standard electrical tool. Has the advantage of running with normal fuel you can get almost anywhere, and if you really need wireless operation, you just take a battery powered tool and plug the charger into the generator.

  3. One could add this engine to a standard cordless power tool along with a generator to recharge the tool when you are out and away from the grid. Of course, if you are going to have fuel and all the noise, I suppose it is better to just use the gas powered tools. This was a very good idea and his build is well done.

      1. Most gas powered tools can be found in the air-tool section of your local hardware store. Lots of gas required, get a really nice air compressor.
        Joking aside…

        There are also some really powerfull propane chainsaws. Four stroke, runs in any position. Gasoline fueled concrete drills are awesome to watch. I have heard that some maple syrup producers use a fancy propane drill.

      2. “Yeah, but are there really gas powered drills out there?”

        “out there” may be the qualifying phrase, but in the 1970’s my National Guard unit had a two-stroke gasoline drill and a two-stroke gasoline powered grinder. Those tools were required to be locked up in the vault with the rifles, pistols, and machine guns, because if they were left outside the vault, they could be used to cut into it.

  4. What RPM are those abrasive disks rated to?

    At the beginning of the video he shows some sort of metal disk saw, but when he is using it at 18:54 it looks like a standard abrasive disk (cut-off wheel). I would be very careful about that… 20,000 RPM equals about 6,500 SFM with a 1.25″ OD wheel (I estimated the size and compared it to disks that I have at work).

    Also, those disks are not flexible, so any side load that occurs when using the wheel like he does in the video greatly ups the chance of the disk fracturing (I have experience with that).

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