If you want to terrify your neighborhood this Halloween, you might go for the old standbys like skeletons or zombies. But you don’t have to go gory to find glory. Consider the talking doll. Those things are creepy enough already, right? Well, [cabuu] says no, the doll should be animated with servos and have remote control. She should still be able to talk, just not when you expect her to.
Forget pushing on her stomach, ’cause Baby’s got a Wemos D1 mini and her own Blynk app now. A set of sliders in the app control a micro servo that animates her eyes, and another servo that twists her head from side to side. Her head doesn’t go all the way ’round, but that’s probably for the best. There are preset fright modes [cabuu] can set and forget until she springs to life via motion sensor.
We particularly like the bracket [cabuu] designed and printed that joins the eyeballs with the servo, along with his clever use of printed mate brackets to hold the servos in place within the head. If you think you can stomach it, there’s a demo video after the break. Stay tuned for total doll dissection after that as [cabuu] builds and inserts the terrifying tidbits.
We love hacks that combine innocence with insanity. Have you ever seen Thomas the Tank Engine singing Rick Astley?
My only complaint is that the lights are too bright, just some creepy glowing red eyes would have been better, still looks like competition for an Evil Talking Krusty doll though.
Perhaps the lights show up that way because of the camera and LEDs don’t play nicely together.
The glowing eyes are a good idea. I thought I could really creep my brother out with that addition. He was scared of Talking Tina when we were kids watching Twilight Zone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb8PxjhwsDE
Talky Tina sound clips in the doll, that’s a great addition.
Love it. The phone interface is awesome. Well done. Totally creeped out.
Looks like Blynk.