Volos Projects educator [Danko Bertović] had a TTGO ESP32 board looking for a project, so he implemented a surprisingly functional weather station for such a small screen. Presumably that was too boring for him, so he decided to write a version of the classic Atari game Breakout instead. [Danko] prefers using the Arduino IDE for ESP32 projects, and has made the Breakout software available as an Arduino sketch. We hope the weather station sketch will be released soon, too. The TTGO is a small ESP32 board with an ST7789V 1.14 in (29 mm) TFT color display, available from your favorite Shenzhen market supplier. This platform is perfect for all kinds of niche applications. We’d love to hear how you are using, or plan to use, these modules in your projects.
We wrote about one such project last summer, where a similar TTGO module was used to display 50-year broadcast delayed transcripts of the Apollo 11 mission. [Danko] is no stranger to Hackaday — he has made several Arduino-based calculator projects. Perhaps the most remarkable being the circuit sculpture binary number calculator from last year, another project that morphed into a computer game (Pong).
Thanks for sharing!
I use this board as display for mqtt values from home assistant, combined with músic info each tme a new song is playera from mpd Internet radio
I think I Will learn a los from tour code
This board is actually called the TTGO T-Display. I have one, myself, and I have a sketch running on it that displays weather data from a BME280 sensor with custom fonts using Bodmer’s excellent TFT_eSPI library.
It’s a pretty cool little board. The display is crisp and has really great viewing angles, since it’s an IPS display. The two buttons are actually available to use in your sketches rather than being reserved for reset and flash like many other boards of this type. I’ll have to order a few more of these, since I really like having boards with onboard displays to use in projects.
Code: https://github.com/slackinfux/T-DisplayWeather
Flash button (on gpio0) isn’t “reserved” on any board that has one. It only serves it flash function at the trailing edge of reset. I agree it’s great to have more.
I’ve done something similar with the TTGO T-Display board. I’ve got a clock, weather display, breakout, Conway’s life, Tetris, a simple side-scroller game, and Asteroids. The trick is getting enough different control inputs out of just two buttons.
do you have a show anywhere?
I just built a Tiny Geiger Counter with one:
I would love to see your geiger counter project. I have a GC kit made by Electronic Goldmine and would love to add a display to show how many clicks it gets per minute.
I made some improvements in the last year, too
Due to medical problems, I have not progressed on my GC project. I tried viewing your project improvement ” https://i.imgur.com/nHE8fXW.jpg ” but file never appeared?
Super mario bros clone
The Vu Gauge pictured here looks great, but I cannot find the code in this submission. Does someone have a pointer to that VU gauge ?
The VU gauge itself is actually one of the Examples for the TFT_eSPI library and it’s called TFT_Meter_linear in the 320×240 examples.
I’m using it as temperature monitor for my car fridge (the project is born to be implemented in a cold rooms monitoring system, for a customer of mine)
I have always wanted a project with a bit of a personality. A code that could behave according to some emotional traits, spiced with some random behavior.
I love the TTGO T-Display boards. I use one to run my TurtlePlotBot.https://hackaday.io/project/174277-turtleplotbot-v3