Anyone who has had a backyard pool will know that it only takes a little lapsed attention to turn the whole thing green. For those sick of having to stay on top of things, the idea of automating pool care may be attractive. This project from [Discreet Mayor] hopes to do just that.

The project uses a TI SimpleLink wireless-enabled microcontroller to run the show, which allows data to be offloaded to a base station for graphing with Grafana. The system can monitor pH levels as well as ORP (oxidation/reduction potential) levels using probes attached via BNC connectors. Based on these readings, the device can dose chlorine into the pool as needed using a peristaltic pump driven by a TI DRV8426 stepper motor driver.
We’d want to keep a close eye on the system for some time, making sure it wasn’t over or underdosing the pool with chemicals. However, that’s easy enough to do when all the data is logged neatly in a web-accessible graph.
We’ve seen other hackers implement similar controls to their own pools, too. If you’ve been working on your own home automation projects, be sure to drop us a line.
Owned a pool for 4 years in the early 2000’s. Once I realised the local pool company made money from over selling chemicals I never had another algae bloom.
Convert the pool to a Salt Chlorinator or make sure the element is not work out, put in a automatic vacuum and make sure the salt is a little higher than the recommended levels. Stick a reminder in your phone to drop another bag in every 2 months in winter and 3 weeks during summer. Do a back wash every time you add a bag..
If your maintenance of the pool requires anything else then you have settled around an unstable balance point which will turn green if you look sideways at it. If this level of maintenace is too mush get a shovel and fill the pool in…
That said its still a cool project but needs a water level sensor to automate the water level…
“or make sure the element is not work out”
No idea what that means…
Likely “Or worn out. “
yes, exactly. Glad someone could look past the type
Hello! Actually, what I’ve found is that the most important thing for the next revision is the addition of another stepper controller for acid injection. Water level hasn’t been much of an issue.
My pool was in Sydney Australia, during summer it could drop 150mm ( 6 freedom units) a week if not used and 300mm ( 12 freedom unit ) a week if actively used.
Never needed to add acid either….
This ain’t the true hacker spirit.
Let the pool turn green. Filter out the algae (devising a good, energy-efficient filter is a big part of this hack). Compress that algae and bury it (another part of the hack waiting for automation, yay).
Carbon sequestration in your backyard!
Wait until CO2 trade certificates skyrocket and sell your capacity.
Jeez. Where is it, the hacker spirit, these days ;-P