2022 Hackaday Supercon Tickets On Sale Now

Did I tell you about the time that [Spetku] turned the schwag bottle into a Jacob’s Ladder?
Supercon Tickets go on sale right now! And the true-believer tickets usually sell out fast, so if you’re as excited about the thought of a real-life Supercon as we are, get yours now for a healthy discount.

We might be biased, but Supercon is our favorite conference of the year. Smaller than most and hardware-focused, you really can’t beat the signal/noise ratio of the crowd in attendance and the talks on the stage. People bring their projects, their great ideas, and their big dreams with them. And we have a cool badge to boot. It’s Hackaday, but in real life. And you should join us!

The conference starts on Friday Nov. 4th with registration, a mellow afternoon of badge-hacking, and a party to kick things off right. Saturday and Sunday are the main show, with a hacker village in the alley, workshops aplenty, and of course all of the talks. It’s only a weekend, but it’s one you’ll keep going back to in your mind for the whole year.

The Nitty Gritty Details

One hundred (100) True-believer Tickets are on sale now for $128 apiece, or until Aug. 29th. We call them True-believer Tickets because we haven’t even finished the call for proposals yet, much less selected the talks, but trust us, it’s going to be a good slate. (In past years, the True-believer tickets have sold out in as little as a day, so don’t sleep on this!) After that, regular admission is $256.

Of course, there’s always a back door if you want to sneak in for free. In our opinion, the coolest way to attend a conference is to give a talk, and you’ll get a complimentary ticket to boot! And even if you don’t get selected, we’ll give everyone who submits a serious talk proposal a ticket at the discounted price, so don’t hesitate. Volunteers also get in free, and we’ll be putting out the call on Aug 29th.

No matter how you get yourself a ticket, get one, and get to Supercon. We’re excited to see you in person again!

15 thoughts on “2022 Hackaday Supercon Tickets On Sale Now

    1. Agreed. It’s going to be hard to imagine in-person-only conferences anymore. It was (also, differently) nice to do it remotely. More inclusive for sure.

      We’re looking at options for infrastructure. As we get something cobbled together, we’ll let you know.

      At a very minimum, talks will be streamed live, and we’ll have the Discord back-channel like we did for Remoticon. But we’re also thinking of trying something cooler too.

  1. Does anyone know what the skill range is for the workshops? My team has a mix of skillsets I was curious if there were things that the more advanced folks would find engaging and things the newbies wouldn’t be overwhelmed with?

  2. I kept checking every day and HappyNapalm sent a message that it would be later that morning. We were able to get in on the first batch. This is the conference I look forward to more than Ham expos or luthier gatherings.

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