What’s better than 3D printing a tank chassis with working tracks? How about 3D printing the entire thing, moving parts and all, as a single piece? That’s [3D Honza]’s PiPBOT-1, and it’s the culmination of a whole lot of design work.

[3D Honza] has been sharing progress pictures and videos on his Twitter account, and just recently released the first version of his design. Version 1.0 is just the mechanics, but he’s already at work on version 2.0 which includes the ability to attach servos to drive the treads. At this writing, the design is currently downloadable directly from his site and includes CAD files, which is great to see.
One part of the design we’d like to draw your attention to is the chunky hinge that doubles as a kind of axial structure making up the body. This allows the tank to print in an unfolded state with the treads and wheels flat on the print bed. After printing, the tank gets folded up a bit like a taco to attain its final form. It’s a clever layout that allows the unit to be printed according to a filament-based 3D printer’s strengths, printing as a single piece that transforms into a small tank chassis, complete with working treads, in a few seconds.
When it comes to vehicles and bots, whether to choose wheels or tracks is a serious question our own Lewin Day has explained thoroughly. And for those of you who choose tracks, this design is great for small devices but don’t forget it’s always possible to go bigger when it comes to 3D-printed tanks.
Very nicely done. I’ll bite and see if my crummy printer can still do stuff like this.
Downloadable only for 48 more hours! Grab it while you can
The ultimate test for someone who thinks their 3d printer is perfectly tuned. LOL.
Its actually pretty easy. One guy printed it at first try on old Ender3 at 100mm/s and it was working just fine. I did all my best to design it so its printable probably even from hot chocolate ;)))
That hinge is begging to be made into a feature
I’m so excited to try this!
That’s very good, especially the free spinniness of it all. And the bit about the 1000 hours makes me feel better about how much time I have sunk into some 3D printed part designs. That’s actually what I find so appealing about 3D printing – you can justify almost unlimited obsessing over details, because the benefits will be realised every time the part is printed. If you make something by hand there’s always a point where you can’t justify any more tweaking.
I am surprised he uses a paint scraper though; you’d think by now he’d have realised a hammer is the better way to get parts off a glass bed.
Yes it takes time. Finetuning, testing, fixing, improving, and do it 50times. Every hour counts. Thanks for the tip with hammer ;)
Stellar work but I don’t think he’ll ever sell enough of those to make that 1000 hours back lol. I bet they’re a whole lot smarter now when it comes to designing and 3d printing.
Very nicely done!
That scraper, though.
I winced every time
“Oh really, >clicks play< how bad can it BEEeeeeEe…"
I laughed, because I also have the same scraper .. 😂
To give something to waste even more time, integrate a gearbox and a motor shaft. ;)
Well Iv done that with previous version already. And Ill do it again with this one. Gear box, servo, all wheel drive, microcontroller etc.. check my twitter @3dhonza
Great results, truly a labor of love.
Now snap in 2 motor and a esp and u have a remote controlled tank.
Very well made.
I’m surprised hackaday covered this and other printed in place projects but not the Gamma printed in place rc car..
I thought the same thing! Hopefully some lessons learned on each model can be applied to the other.
What are the settings for this
I printed this on my Prusa Original MK3S+ with MatterHackers “generic” PLA at 0.3mm DRAFT mode in about 7 hours. It came out great, but some of the overhangs might benefit from thinner layers.
clearly this is the results of many hours of dedication, sweat and tears. good job, bless your heart to distribute for free
Welp, Youtube continues its race to the absolute bottom as it shittifies itself. 3DHonza’s youtube account has been banned for scamming? Unless there’s some weird audio shenanigans where he’s flogging blatant crypto-scams subliminally, I would think one of you guys who actually got to see the video would have mentioned something about a scam.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the AI’s weren’t incompetent, or so tragic if the AI didn’t represent the height of competence at that company. I will never understand why a company that actually owns online video advertisement industry doesn’t treat its suppliers (creators) well and its customers (advertisers) like a Ma Bell operator with a painful foot fungus. I guess it just goes to show the fundamental immorality of treating MBA’s like people instead of disposable scapegoats and talking calculators.
I’ve gotta try this on my carbon X1! I’ll let you know how long it takes!
Ok, How or where can I get the stl file for the PiPBOT ?
I tried printing it twice with PLA but parts of it failed to stick, so printed it using PETG and it printed just fine. I do have a problem though. the treads move just fine, but I am unable to fold it in half. it seems like it is welded at the hinge. wont budge. do you have any idea how I can free it so I can fold it? I would love to have it work.
Now, make it look like the tank from Metal Slug, and I’ll buy it!
Well got the stl and loaded it sliced and printed in under 6 hr on my carbon X1. A perfect print, you did a great job!
This tank is broken the tracks were stuck together one of them broke off 0 out of 5 stars whole roll of filament wasted!