Forget Flipper, How About Capybara?

One of the hacker toys to own over the last year has been the Flipper Zero, a universal wireless hacking tool which even caused a misplaced moral panic about car theft in Canada. A Flipper is cool as heck of course but not the cheapest of devices. Fortunately there’s now an alternative in the form of the CapybaraZero. It’s a poor-hacker’s Flipper Zero which you can assemble yourself from a heap of inexpensive modules.

At the centre is an ESP32-S3 board, which brings with it that chip’s wireless and Bluetooth capabilities. To that is added an ST7789 TFT display, a PN532 NFC reader, an SX1276 LoRa and multi-mode RF module, and an IR module. The firmware can be found through GitHub. Since the repo is nearly two years old and still in active development, we’re hopeful CapybaraZero will gain features and stability.

If you’re interested in our coverage of the Canadian Flipper panic you can read it here, and meanwhile if you’re using one of those NFC modules, consider tuning it.

13 thoughts on “Forget Flipper, How About Capybara?

  1. Cool project. Bruce, which uses M5 products, is another interesting project that has a lot of the same functionality. It’s being ported to the very affordable LilyGo T-embed cc1101 as well, which has many of the required modules built in. Don’t forget to check out M5Launcher while you are at.

  2. When I see the popularity of the Flipper Zero, despite its absolutely inflated price, it´s no wonder that others want to jump in the bandwagon. But to make a real difference, it needs to be as polished as the Flipper Zero and cheaper.

  3. Once of the key features of the flipper is that you can not only read nfc cards, but emulate them as well.

    To my knowledge, the pn532 used in the capybara, while a capable chipset, cannot emulate cards – it’s only a reader.

      1. oh, there are plenty of easy to remember mac addresses, like coffee baobab, feed dead beef, a defaced face …
        And it´s a simple game compared to writing a WHOLE BOOK without the E letter (G.Perec “la disparition”)

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