This Week In Security: Rsync, SSO, And Pentesting Mushrooms

Up first, go check your machines for the rsync version, and your servers for an exposed rsync instance. While there are some security fixes for clients in release 3.4.0, the buffer overflow in the server-side rsync daemon is the definite standout. The disclosure text includes this bit of nightmare fuel: “an attacker only requires anonymous read access to a rsync server, such as a public mirror, to execute arbitrary code on the machine the server is running on.”

A naive search on Shodan shows a whopping 664,955 results for rsync servers on the Internet. Red Hat’s analysis gives us a bit more information. The checksum length is specified by the remote client, and an invalid length isn’t properly rejected by the server. The effect is that an attacker can write up to 48 bytes into the heap beyond the normal checksum buffer space. The particularly dangerous case is also the default: anonymous access for file retrieval. Red Hat has not identified a mitigation beyond blocking access.

If you run servers or forward ports, it’s time to look at ports 873 and 8873 for anything listening. And since that’s not the only problem fixed, it’s really just time to update to rsync 3.4.0 everywhere you can. While there aren’t any reports of this being exploited in the wild, it seems like attempts are inevitable. As rsync is sometimes used in embedded systems and shipped as part of appliances, this particular bug threatens to have quite the long tail.

My Gmail is My Passport, Verify Me

Here’s an interesting question. What happens to those “Log In With Google” accounts that we all have all over the Internet, when the domain changes hands? And no, we’re not talking about We’re talking about, or any custom domain that has been integrated with a Google Workspace. The business fails, the domain reverts back to unclaimed, someone else purchases it, and re-adds the Google Workspace account. Surely that doesn’t register as the same account for the purpose of Google SSO, right?

The answer to this question is to look at what actually happens when a user uses Google Oauth to log in. The service sends a message to Google, asking Google to identify the user. Google asks the user for confirmation, and if granted will send an ID token to the service. That token contains three fields that are interesting for this purpose. The domain and email are straightforward, and importantly don’t make any distinction between the original and new users. So when the domain and email change hands, so does ownership of the token.

Oauth does provide a sub (subject) field, that is a unique token for a given user/service combination. Seems like that solves the issue, right? The problem is that while that identifier is guaranteed to be unique, it’s not guaranteed to be consistent, and thus isn’t widely used as a persistent user identifier. Google is aware of the issue, and while they initially closed it as a “Won’t fix” issue, the concept did eventually earn [Dylan Ayrey] a nifty $1337 bounty and a promise that Google is working on unspecified fixes. There is no immediate solution, and it’s not entirely clear that this is strictly a Google problem. Other SSO solutions may have the same quirk.

Fortigate Under Attack

Fortiguard has reported that a vulnerability in FortiOS and FortiProxy is under active exploitation. Fortiguard lists quite a few Indicators of Compromise (IoCs), but as far as the nature of the vulnerability, all we know is that it is an authentication bypass in an Node.js websocket module that allows a remote attacker to gain super-admin privileges. Yoiks.

Actic Wolf has more details on the exploit campaign, which was first found back in early December, but appears to have begun with widespread scanning for the vulnerability as early as November 16. Attackers moved slowly, with the goal of establishing VPN access into the networks protected behind the vulnerable devices. Arctic Wolf has provided additional IoCs, so time to go hunting.

Ivanti Connect, Too

There’s another security device under attack this week, as watchTowr labs has yet another fun romp through vendor mis-security. This time it’s a two-part series on Ivanti Connect Secure, and the two buffer overflows being used in the wild.

Ivanti has already released a patch, so the researchers ran a diff on the strings output for the patched and unpatched binary of interest. Three new error messages are in the new version, complaining about client data exceeding a size limit. The diaphora binary diffing tool found some interesting debbuging data, like Too late for IFT_PREAUTH_INIT. “IF-T” turns out to be an open VPN standard, and that term led to a statement about backwards compatibility in Ivanti code that had terrible “code smell”.

The IF-T protocol includes the optional clientCapabilities field, and Ivanti’s implementation used a fixed length buffer to store it when parsing incoming connections. The client code almost gets it right, using a strlen() check on the data, and strncpy() to ensure the right number of bytes are copied. Except both of those best-practices are completely useless when the result from strlen() is fed directly into strncpy() as the maximum byte count, without checking whether it overflows the buffer.

The second watchTowr article goes through the steps of turning the vulnerability into a real exploit, but doesn’t actually give away any exploit code. Which hasn’t really mattered, as Proof of Concepts (PoCs) are now available. The takeaway is that Ivanti still has security problems with their code, and this particular exploit is both fully known, and being used in the wild.

Pentesting Mushrooms

The folks at Silent Signal have an off-the-beaten-path write-up for us: How to get hired as a pentester. Or alternatively, the story of hacking Mushroom Inc. See, they built an intentionally vulnerable web application, and invited potential hires to find flaws. This application included cross-site scripting potential, SQL injection, and bad password handling, among other problems. The test was to take 72 hours, and find and document problems.

Part of the test was to present the findings, categorize each vulnerability’s severity, and even make recommendations for how the fictional business could roll out fixes. Along the way, we get insights on how to get your job application dismissed, and what they’re really looking for in a hire. Useful stuff.

Bits and Bytes

Secure Boot continues to be a bit of a problem. Microsoft signed a UEFI application that in turn doesn’t actually do any of the Secure Boot validation checks. This is only an issue after an attacker has admin access to a machine, but it does completely defeat the point of Secure Boot. Microsoft is finally rolling out fixes, revoking the signature on the application.

And if compromising Windows 11 is of interest to you, HN Security has just wrapped a four-part series that covers finding a vulnerability in an old Windows kernel driver, and turning it into a real read/write exploit that bypasses all of Microsoft’s modern security hardening.

Do you have a website, and are you interested in how your API is getting probed? Want to mess with attackers a bit? You might be interested in the new baitroute tool. Put simply, it’s a honeypot for web APIs.

And finally, the minds behind Top10VPN have released another vulnerability, this time in tunneling protocols like IPIP, GRE, and 6in4. The problem is a lack of validation on incoming tunnel packets. This allows for easy traffic injection, and using the tunnel servers as easy proxies. One of the worst cases is where this flaw allows accessing an internal network protected behind a consumer router.

14 thoughts on “This Week In Security: Rsync, SSO, And Pentesting Mushrooms

    1. My reaction as well on those sites. “No Way”

      I do need to check rsync though. Use it a lot, so there are rsync servers everywhere. Need to lock it down for use by internal network only. One just takes it for granted that it is ‘there’ and available for use.

      What’s this Windows the article is talking about? ;) . Ha!

      1. ##[src^=””]

        no idea if my uBlock Origing rules will go past the submit, maybe I save a few souls, have a great weekend! No more sign-in boxes by alphabet

  1. Security noob here, shouldn’t there be a certificate for domain names (issued by registrars) so that a lapse of domain will invalidate that certificate unless proofs-of-being-the-same-person/business is shown, so that domain reuse abuse becomes impossible – at least to any service that checks that certificate?

      1. Wow, I checked big companies like, (and Wikipedia and hackaday) and they all don’t have EV-certificates enabled. I had to use the example from wikipedia ( to find one that does, but fortunately my bank do also have this enabled.

        It seems to me that a similar technique should be employed on packages for the popular package repositories, as they have so often featured on this site.

  2. wow i’m surprised so many people use rsync in server mode. for my personal use, i use rsync behind ssh, so there’s no exposure (they’d have to authenticate to ssh first). and if i was running a public server that i wanted people to get updates from conveniently, i’d use git. i guess i learn something new every day :)

    1. It seems rsync is popular with Linux distribution mirrors, as per the Archlinux news feed at If the big distros use it, that’s a lot of servers with sizeable traffic.

  3. Feeding strlen() directly into strncpy() was clearly someone “complying” with the policy of no insecure string functions. Whoever did it should be fired and they should audit the codebase.

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