How do you reconcile your love for hacking projects together with your love for that someone special? By making him or her a DIY masterpiece of blinking red LEDs, but in heart shape. Maybe with some custom animations, and in a nice frame with a capacitive touch sensor to turn it on or off.
Or at least, that’s what I did. The good news is that my girlfriend, now wife, understands that this sort of present comes from a place of love. And it probably didn’t hurt that I also picked up some flowers to frame it with, and cooked her favorite lunch later that afternoon.
But if I’m 100% frank with myself, I’d have to admit that this was about 50% “present” and 50% “project”. Of course it also helps that she gets me, and that she knows that I put a bunch of effort into making it look as good as it did, and maybe because of that she forgives the 50% project.
Valentine’s day projects are a high-wire balancing act. If any other project fails, you can just try again. But here, the deadline is firm. Cosmetics matter a lot more on Valentine’s day than the other 364 days of the year, too. And finally, you really have to know the gift-receiver, and be sure that you’re not falling deeper into the excuse-for-a-cool-project trap than I did. And don’t forget the flowers.
I pulled it off with this one, at least, but I do feel like it was close, even today. Have you ever made a Valentine’s hacking project? How’d it go?
(Note: Featured image isn’t my project: It’s a lot more colorful!)
Nice job shitting on someone that is CRAFTING SOMETHING UNIQUE FOR SOMEBODY THEY LOVE.
Different people like different types of gifts.
I’m generally not big on this squishy sort of thing, but the concept of “love languages” might be worth a quick look.
I made Beloved Darling a heart-shaped fidget toy of my own design. She really liked that.
This year for my son’s class we designed 3D-printed heart-shaped boxes with each person’s name on the lid and a “happy valentines day” underneath (and a “from” message at the bottom of the box.) I made a special box with a special message for my wife.
Made my wife a tea organizer from printables!
She was tickled pink
Her looks transcend the barrier called fair
His heart and will to resist her she binds
Thinking naught but of her smile he pines
For the release of her bouncy brown hair
Her leaving his small realm he could not bear
Like the silky long curls her finger winds
He’s limp, all for that beauty that blinds
From all else yet at her helpless he’d stare.
While seeing the shallows though not the signs
Showing more than a pretty visual layer
Whether the twain may too meet with their minds,
Hearts will share their most secrets should they dare
Feelings far further than vague dating lines
To know eternity their souls shall share.
A papal poem to love.
Na górze róże,
W śmietniku śmieci,
Jan Paweł Drugi
Gwałcił małe dzieci.