Gameboy Belt Buckle

gameboy belt buckle

oh yeah. this is what the world needs next in mass production. now before you start yelling at me over belt buckles and nintendo’s obsession with them, let me point out this is not the NES belt buckle you all saw awhile back (though both are insanely cool and nostalgic) nor is this the game boy floppy disk drive we showed you. this is the work of an artist and hacker. one that isn’t afraid to make a statement with a working game boy strapped on as a belt buckle. the link provided shows you the play by play of how it’s made and how it’s applied and chromed out. within hours you’ll be sporting your bling bling belt buckle in all it’s nintendo glory. plus, take it to parties and insist that chicks play some link’s awakening and if they don’t get you past the first dungeon, there will be consequences. thanks [FRANKLI]

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