SplineScan is a cross platform 3D scanning solution. While the target object is rotating on a motion controlled turntable a laser is projected on it. A camera collects images of each step of the rotation. Using simple trig the individual frames’ line data can then be used to construct a 3D model. Andrew Lewis is in the process of porting the model generator to C from VB, but it can already be run in Ubuntu using WINE. If all goes well he will be doing a live demo at LUGRadio Live with detailed source to follow soon after. He expects the final scanner to only cost approx. $90. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for sending it in Andrew.
where’s the surprise :(
More DIY projects, less news.
So, you can’t figure out how to make your own?
shame on you, but to help here is someone using the same principle.
Strangely, I was just wondering this morning how you could make a DIY 3D scanner. I got stuck on how to measure the depth of an object, but apparently that problem has been solved.
It looks like Gary Busey. Cool though.
Umm, the picture sucks! I know of a much better 3d scanner that could produce a much more realistic picture, my camera.
Looks very cool and promising, thanks
Looks interesting, not very much res, but ….for 90$.
amazing. can anyone possibly imagine the effect 3d scanning will have on our lives; of computers sharing the same 3d space as we do? anyway, i need some reference for a paper i’m writing on the subject. thanx
Re: not very much res – actually, the raw point resolution is less than 1mm – the model you are looking at was roughly 2″ high. The reason the pictures look dodgy is because my triangulation algorithm was broken, and the scan only took a couple of hundred samples. Take a look at the new python code and try the pointcloud data out in opendx – I think you might be plesantly surprised :-)
any luck completing th eproject?